Welcome to my corner of the web. I go by JTR for reasons long and convoluted.


I’m a self-made techie and keeper of notes who works with humans and machines and enjoys interacting with both. I tend to fall into internet holes such as automation and privacy (which I write about) but also world affairs and human relationships (which I don’t write about yet).

I am a tinkerer and have broken my technology (this website included) many times. I plan to keep honoring this break-and-fix tradition.

New York City is home, where I reside with two lovely humans who somehow tolerate my existence. I work for a big university where I create, write, and grump about technical documentation and technology in general.


This blog is hosted on Micro.blog, An excellent blogging platform managed by excellent humans and a good blogging philosophy.

Micro.blog is based on Hugo, and I write my posts with Emacs org-mode, using Denote. You will often hear me talk about those here.

I also have a Wiki, made with TiddlyWiki, but these days I am converting to writing plain notes directly in org-mode in my repository, where you can also find this blog’s CSS tweaks and my Emacs configuration.


  • There’s a handy Search on this blog, a plug in made by @sod. It’s a good starting point to get an idea of what I ramble about or look into something of interest.

  • RSS? Definitely.

  • Email? Sure. It’s JTR at the domain of this blog. I’m also pretty active on Mastodon.

  • Newsletter? Working on it:

Check your Spam folder if you subscribe. The confirmation email from Micro.blog will go to your spam folder automatically if you’re on Gmail.

Find out more hidden gems 💎 on the Archive page, and please let me know if something doesn’t work or appears broken. Thanks kindly.