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Full Post List

Jul 26, 2024: I gave up on The Last Girl Scout 📚. It started out OK, but it quickly became too “cute” for me with “Sugar” here and …

Jul 26, 2024: Dungeons of Hinterberg (2024) - ★★★½ Dungeons of Hinterberg [DoH] is a chicken soup for the type of mental cold I feel I’m recovering from during these crazy political times. On the …

Jul 24, 2024: My MacBook Pro Dock I’ve had my MacBook Pro docking station for a while, but this morning I was thinking that the term “docking station” is a bit vague. …

Jul 23, 2024: A few quick updates: Insomnia has been hitting hard for the second week in a row. My days have two parts: a small one from around 4 AM to 8 AM, and …

Jul 21, 2024: Why CrowdStrike is still such a huge problem? This, in a nutshell, was the problem Friday, and it still carries on to next week in some places: Crowdstrike : its fine u just have to manually visit …

Jul 19, 2024: Had a couple of things to go over this morning, but the CrowdStrike ordeal kicked me to work in high gear. The memes on social media are awesome …

Jul 18, 2024: While I’m thinking about my blog: soon, a new category in the navigation bar - 🎮 games. I’ve been using Backloggd for a while, and I …

Jul 18, 2024: I love @jthingelstad’s blog gardening idea and I think I’m going to utilize it soon. I have posts going back about five years now (this …

Jul 16, 2024: indie blogs are doing OK: here's how to find them The other day I wrote that indie blogs are doing fine in response to what happened to blogs on Hacker News. Now that I let the grump out, let me share …

Jul 15, 2024: It feels like everyone’s screaming constantly, and for a guy who lives in NYC of all places, I don’t like much noise. I spent some time on …

Jul 13, 2024: Personal blogs, as in actual personal blogs written by real individuals, exist. I find them all the time. I just don’t use Google to look for them, is …

Jul 12, 2024: org-mode to Apple Calendar sync via beorg beorg is a well-known org-mode productivity app among Emacs iPhone users that allows you to view and edit your tasks on the go. I’ve known about …

Jul 11, 2024: The starting pains of learning to draw My attempts to learn how to draw turned into attempts to learn how to sketch, which turned into attempts to learn how to visually break things down …

Jul 10, 2024: Any radio station that has this sort of image featuring its programming is going to have me listen to it. In this case, WFMU, a nutty station from NJ, …

Jul 8, 2024: I’m confused about this (not sure I’m the only one): The left parties won the election in France, it seems like, and now Macron needs to …

Jul 7, 2024: Pacific Drive (2024) - ★★★★ Pacific Drive is what would happen if Herbie and Subnautica had a child. In fact, I don’t think I’ve seen this particular blend of …

Jul 5, 2024: Thoughts about AI and art We sat across each other at a local bar with good beer, good sandwiches and good spirits. I wanted to talk to Nat about AI and how I use it in my more …

Jul 5, 2024: And still more doors of Hudson, from when I was around yesterday without my camera. I took these with my phone. 📷

Jul 4, 2024: Our vacation in Hudson is coming to an end. It went by faster than I imagined, and I slept more than I thought I was capable of - more than 7 hours a …

Jul 4, 2024: More doors of Hudson 📷

Jul 3, 2024: Two more targets of opportunity with the iPhone. Hudson, NY 📷

Jul 3, 2024: One of the things that immediately captured my eye were some of the houses and their doors, specifically. Here are some pictures from my first round …

Jul 3, 2024: …

Jul 2, 2024: Nat and I are in Hudson, NY, for our traditional 4th NYC escape. The town is quiet. Very quiet. Not many people around in the street. We are told they …

Jul 2, 2024: I couldn’t sleep last night, and now I’m about 20% in. I can see this book is going to be tough. Trauma that ties into military service, …

Jul 1, 2024: The Expanse: A Telltale Series (2023) - unrated I’m just finishing episode two, and I am really enjoying myself. The story so far is interesting, the characters are memorable, and if you …

Jul 1, 2024: I’m exploring options for remote desktop (Mac to Linux) again. VNC is good once you get it to work fully; I have issues with sound and my VPN …

Jul 1, 2024: Trainer and my exercise routine Trainer, formally known as CoPilot (they could have just said Microsoft was planning to sue them; no one likes Microsoft as a company - but I …

Jun 30, 2024: From a couple of days ago: a night out with drinks. It was fun. 📷

Jun 30, 2024: How my writing outlets balance out I have several writing outlets, and each one has its own benefits and disadvantages. There’s this blog, where I slowly become more comfortable …

Jun 29, 2024: One of the things I like about living in NYC is that Pride is everywhere. Even though it’s somewhat over the top (more of a brand and marketing …

Jun 28, 2024: A walk the streets of New York. Nearby NYU, heading east, captured on the move with an iPhone 📷

Jun 26, 2024: Why I end up using Photoshop over GIMP Adobe sucks, so why do I keep getting back to Photoshop? I like GIMP. It’s an amazing piece of free software. It comes with tools like …

Jun 25, 2024: Started reading: The Last Girl Scout by Natalie Ironside 📚 Decided to get this after reading a sample. Good, solid writing and an interesting story so …

Jun 25, 2024: Yesterday I walked into the park and sat on a tree trunk I found years ago. I sat on it as I did back then, letting my mind drift, surrounded by the …

Jun 24, 2024: It’s over 90 with humidity over 60% for the last couple of days and I stayed mostly indoors. Today, there’s a nice breeze coming through, …

Jun 23, 2024: Blogging about blogging is writing about yourself When Brandon wrote that he blogs about blogging too much, I bookmarked the post with my service so I don’t forget to reply and went …

Jun 21, 2024: Rethinking & Organizing my life with org-mode (part 4) Welcome to part four of my rethinking and organizing with org-mode. In the last part, I rediscovered org-achieve and the option to archive past …

Jun 21, 2024: Mouse introduced me to their friend and a guard at a local pet store last night. 📷 I’ve walked these streets a hundred times, but I don’t …

Jun 20, 2024: How not to quit Google One does not simply quit Google - If you’re not a techie. Sure, you can use Firefox and switch to Duck Duck Go like 90% of the folks who …

Jun 20, 2024: Why we fall for fake news 7 Reasons Why We Fall for Fake News This has been in my bookmarks for a bit. I wanted to dig more into the research, and the post got lost somewhere …

Jun 20, 2024: US sues Adobe for hiding termination fees and making it difficult to cancel subscriptions | TechCrunch So not only do you get tricked and opt into …

Jun 18, 2024: Stop or I shoot! When I was 19, I went back to Israel to serve in the IDF. I was required by law in Israel, but I also wanted to go back and get away from what I felt …

Jun 17, 2024: Finished reading: The SIGMA Surrogate by Jt Lawrence 📚 I enjoyed this book, though it failed to keep me invested enough to read the next one in the …

Jun 16, 2024: Civil War, 2024 - ★★★★ Joel (Wagner Moura) is screaming his lungs out, arms at his side, a cigarette he didn't finish stuck in his right fist. Behind him, an American flag …

Jun 15, 2024: Rethinking and organizing my life with org-mode (part 3?) I spent some time reading through the manual for part 3 of organizing my life in org-mode. org-mode has an archiving function I haven’t bothered …

Jun 14, 2024: …

Jun 13, 2024: Things I don't write about Even though I say a lot here, I don’t say everything. Mainly, there are two topics I avoid: the Israel-Hammas-Palestinian situation, and …

Jun 12, 2024: What happened to "enough"? Almost any platform today is based on cloud servers, and the way these models work is to charge developers by user traffic. The more traffic, the more …

Jun 11, 2024: BSAG on Emacs as life project: You don’t go back to zero each time. Every cycle teaches you more about how you want your personal Emacs to work, …

Jun 10, 2024: Man I’d love some beer from this truck… 📷

Jun 10, 2024: It’s great when you can sink an hour into your online reading list without even noticing. Great blogs + good writers = an inspiring morning. …

Jun 10, 2024: Listing Homebrew programs and tools Homebrew was the first program I installed on my Mac after wiping it. This is because the second thing is my org files, which get copied over with …

Jun 8, 2024: I wiped my Mac earlier today, and everything seems to be in working order, more or less. I noted a couple of my tweaks before on my wiki, and I forgot …

Jun 7, 2024: I’m planning to wipe my Mac this weekend. The main reason for this is Microsoft’s nonsense, but I also got a bit “spoiled” …

Jun 7, 2024: Rethinking and organizing my life with org-mode (part 2) The other day, I mentioned how my projects file in org-mode is basically a huge mess that makes it difficult to be on top of things, and then an idea …

Jun 6, 2024: Anyone who has ever worked in IT has some horrible-funny stories about printers, right? …yes, even if it prints pancakes.

Jun 4, 2024: I’m reading The SIGMA Surrogate by Jt Lawrence 📚, my first recommendation from StoryGraph. Strong women lead in a cyberpunk world, light erotica …

Jun 4, 2024: Rethinking and reorganizing my life - with org-mode I used to be more organized. At least, that’s what I think. When I was working as a desktop technician, I added all my tasks into a file called …

Jun 3, 2024: Microsoft vent num. 104 My Work-related 365 Microsoft account has been acting up for months. The error message showed me the server that refused to sign me in, citing some …

Jun 1, 2024: The problem with having an espresso machine at home is getting spoiled. Instant coffee tastes horrible. Starbucks coffee is either too watered down or …

Jun 1, 2024: Nat’s dad’s surgery went fine, and everything turned out OK. I find myself sitting on a sofa I haven’t set on for over 5 years since …

May 31, 2024: Why should more FOSS enthusiasts check out Stable Diffusion I’m enjoying my exploration into AI image-generation quest. It’s been a rewarding experience, but I can’t shake the feeling I need …

May 31, 2024: There are some interesting links on Mastodon this morning, but following them is impossible. Paywall here, turn off your ad blocker there. Can I at …

May 31, 2024: We woke up at 4:30 this morning to go to the hospital for my partner’s dad. Nothing too bad, but unpleasant. So instead, a picture from yesterday’s …

May 29, 2024: Reddit: 2FA log-in is blocked when using VPNs. I had to disable my 2FA on Reddit. Giving my IP to Reddit is worse than having enhanced security for …

May 28, 2024: A pleasant surprise: a community garden at a local school on my evening walk. 📷

May 28, 2024: did it again: sneaking another good thing unnoticed. Everyone’s recommendations are in their profile. So people I already follow and …

May 28, 2024: It seems like I slept more than 7 hours today, but I don’t believe it. I don’t remember any of it. …Which is a very good sign. Days …

May 27, 2024: Heart of Stone, 2023 - ★ I couldn't finish watching this one. This movie has a plot aimed at my horny teenage self at 12. I loved Rotten Tomatoes' one-liner summary: "Gal …

May 27, 2024: Just spit it out already In my search for independent blogs, I’ve encountered 1.5 depressing patterns. I’ll start with the 0.5 because that’s probably what …

May 27, 2024: Gave up on Red Team Blues by Cory Doctorow 📚 at about 80%. Started OK and never got better. This book could benefit from focusing on the story or the …

May 26, 2024: A little coffee shop comic 📷 anyone?

May 26, 2024: If Google tells you to jump off a cliff... Growing up you were probably asked by your parents “If everyone jumps off a cliff, will you jump too?” when you did something stupid. The …

May 24, 2024: Ads in games soon in fully-priced AAA games EA is looking at putting in-game ads in AAA games — ‘We’ll be very thoughtful as we move into that,’ says CEO In-game ads are a …

May 24, 2024: With Memorial Day around the corner, work should be slow enough to allow me to explore ComfyUI. This is a good time to visit image creation in AI if …

May 23, 2024: Kagi Search: 3 weeks in After three weeks of using Kagi, it’s growing on me. It took a while to figure out how: I’m searching the web directly more than I used …

May 23, 2024: Helicopter overhead from 6 in the morning, waking me up after 4.5 hours of sleeping, I was watching this YouTube video closed in my room to avoid the …

May 22, 2024: You know, I think Recall might be an excellent tool to get more people to take their privacy seriously. I don’t think I could come up with a …

May 22, 2024: I’ve updated my Microsoft Edge notes, after working with it for a couple of weeks. If you use Office 365 for work like I do, here’s a tip: …

May 21, 2024: Back to Google Photos I think going back to Google Photos is a good idea. My Synology is slowly running out of space, and one of the things that take a lot of space are the …

May 20, 2024: Get yourself a spam phone Everyone’s eyeing the next iPad or looking forward to WWDC 2024, but you should do yourself a favor: go get yourself a cheap new-old phone …

May 19, 2024: I’m four days too late for this. You gave up your right to Discord to court if you, rather you know it or not: Discord wants to void your right …

May 18, 2024: thoughts: the good and the worry Yesterday I attended my second Micro Camp. If you don’t know what Micro Camp is, I forgive you. Actually, in its own way, that’s a good …

May 17, 2024: It’s always nice to stumble upon a unique refreshing perspective, but it’s even better to find it when you don’t know you’ve …

May 16, 2024: Great stuff from Cory Doctorow, as always: Pluralistic: Even if you think AI search could be good, it won’t be good (15 May 2024) – Pluralistic: Daily …

May 16, 2024: My blog has a newsletter, but you probably don't care That’s because I’m guessing if you’re a regular reader, you’re probably reading my blog on your favorite RSS reader (speaking …

May 14, 2024: Our friends are our enablers As I was reflecting on the weekend and Infected Mushroom concert I went to in my journal, it occurred to me that I would never go without Nyx. …

May 14, 2024: I'm retiring my Android from my org-mode workflow I feel a bit weird disconnecting my Android from my work tasks and projects in Syncthing and thus cutting it off from my Emacs workflow, but …

May 12, 2024: “Link In Bio” is a slow knife - Anil Dash If Instagram users could post links willy-nilly, they might even be able to connect directly to their …

May 12, 2024: Finally, a good reason I was up all night: Infected Mushroom live from Webster Hall in NYC. It was a lot of fun with good people to share it with. …

May 10, 2024: Conspiracy Friday I haven’t heard of Frank Snepp before, and I should have. ‘Does the CIA Still Do That?’ | naked capitalism Set assassination aside …

May 10, 2024: My sleeping issues returned in full force this week. With my Apple Watch, it looks pretty depressing. As you can see in the graph, I’ve been …

May 9, 2024: Lets go to the movies 🍿 📷

May 7, 2024: A walk in the park, at sunset 📷

May 7, 2024: Helldivers 2 Won’t Require A PSN Account On Steam After Massive Player Backlash This reverse on account linking follows a horrible time for …

May 6, 2024: Piracy is justified Rossmann is a New Yorker who started his own computer repair business and came to fame by creating videos showing and teaching Mac repairs while …

May 3, 2024: Going back and forth trying to build a blogroll page, which I talked about Tuesday. The issue is with creating a shortcode for it in …

May 3, 2024: On my way back, I always enjoy crossing east to west through Central Park. How can you not? 📷

May 3, 2024: I couldn’t sleep so I’ve made some tweaks to the blog in the Archive & Search page. Most of these are documented in the CSS file in my …

May 2, 2024: Testing out Kagi, Seriously this time You might have caught it in the screenshot from my post yesterday: a little G icon at the top of my Safari browser. Well, it’s true; I paid for …

May 1, 2024: You know, Compact Tabs on Safari are not half bad. I remember they caused an uproar back when they were first introduced, when I wasn’t using a …

May 1, 2024: New Day, a new reason to scratch my head. This time, User Agent Stylesheet on Safari. It overwrites my CSS and makes my title bold. (This is now …

Apr 30, 2024: As I’m working on a Blogroll page, I moved the search 🔍 function to the Archive page, where it belongs with the rest of the TAONAW stuff with …

Apr 30, 2024: This is just a geek announcement that my exploration into FFMPEG the other day paid off: a screencast of 27 minutes and 2.8 GB shrunk to 75 MB. Yep. …

Apr 30, 2024: The return of the blogroll I wrote about trying out blogrolls last week, and the technicalities of how to customize blogrolls on are in my notes, in case you’re …

Apr 29, 2024: Helldivers 2’s So Big It’s Taken Over A Small Town In a post to the Helldivers subreddit, the user—who goes by the username Kaleon—shares …

Apr 29, 2024: The issue I had yesterday with Elfeed-org is fixed. As it turns out, the parent headers for the feed have to be tagged with “elfeed” for …

Apr 29, 2024: My morning sandwich is one slide of bread cut in half with vegan pesto, one slice of vegan Gouda cheese, one sliced cherry tomato, and Dijon mustard …

Apr 28, 2024: Today was a good day for a walk. I stopped for a sandwich from one of my local favorite stops, sat in the park to enjoy it with some water and cake, …

Apr 28, 2024: Scratching my head at an Emacs issue: Elfeed-org doesn’t seem to load my feeds. I’m not sure why, everything looks OK. I have my …

Apr 27, 2024: I’m playing The Beast Inside 🎮, and I’m at the point I hate the most about games such as these: running away from a monster you …

Apr 27, 2024: Love me some hot sauce 🔥📷

Apr 26, 2024: You know what. This is not a bad way to ask for tips. I’m enjoying this.

Apr 26, 2024: Commander Keen is on Steam, and I didn’t know?! Hold my beer! Backlog shmaglog, this is one classic sonofamitch that needs replaying. …

Apr 25, 2024: I know I have only myself to blame: I spent 20 minutes writing a post in the web-ui, and I clicked the timeline button by mistake. Poof, the post is …

Apr 24, 2024: Manual of Style and Blogroll notes I’ve added two notes to my stash: blogrolls and my manual of style.’s blogrolls are already documented in the …

Apr 24, 2024: Good morning..! I’ve been playing around with blogrolls on and learning how to customize those. Currently working on documenting that …

Apr 22, 2024: I’m trying out Carrot. While I like the idea and the details, it comes with a learning curve. For now I’m trying to figure out why it …

Apr 21, 2024: I decided to uninstall World of Warships again. It’s just too much of a negative experience playing multiplayer (among other things), especially …

Apr 19, 2024: iPhone gurus: Do you know if there’s a way to view the “Significant Locations” list on a phone with SDP (Stolen Device Protection) …

Apr 19, 2024: More post-Arc productivity tricks One major attraction of Arc is its Spaces. Having more than one profile in a browser is not new (Chrome has implemented that for the last decade or …

Apr 18, 2024: I want to play Mass Effect (legendary edition), but the keyboard controls are a challenge. I have to play with an open browser: “How do you …

Apr 18, 2024: The shows I'm currently watching As more opinion pieces about the new Fallout show pop up, the more I want to watch it. I resist it because I’m already watching too many good …

Apr 17, 2024: Looking forward to this one ‘Joker 2’ Trailer: Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix Unleash Bad Romance in Thrilling First Footage Reader: …

Apr 17, 2024: I am happy to report I just took a very good nap. That is all. Carry on.

Apr 17, 2024: Getting used to Edge again means trying to duplicate some of the productivity tricks Arc gave me. Having a collection of work-related tabs in one …

Apr 16, 2024: Can someone please explain how Apple can sell close to a grand of a phone AND charge extra for a normal-length cable but still charge me more for a …

Apr 15, 2024: What a beautiful day today. It was the first real spring day for me: walking around in a t-shirt, smelling flowers everywhere (and sneezing), I …

Apr 15, 2024: Attempting not to use Arc, take 2. No, it’s not because of the “oh no, they are shady AI company” wagon. It’s more they …

Apr 15, 2024: Apple Watch newbie question: Do I have to press the side button twice before I pay to go into transit, or is there an option without it? On the …

Apr 14, 2024: So I got an Apple Watch Last Friday I woke up from a power nap and the first thought that pooped into my mind was, “It’s time to get an Apple Watch.” I …

Apr 12, 2024: Just discovered my old college stopped offering the technical writing program. I understand where they’re coming from (it was always a hard …

Apr 12, 2024: Here’s a crazy NYC fact for you: as it’s getting hotter and more humid toward summer, I find that I’m adjusting to colder …

Apr 10, 2024: It’s time for a grumpy post: I hate it when tiktok (or reddit, or youtube, or whatever the hell) won’t let you watch a link a friend sends …

Apr 10, 2024: Problemista, 2023 - ★★★★½ First of all, this is a well-made movie, meticulously packaged. A fun comedy with visual metaphors on one hand and a harsh view of reality on the …

Apr 9, 2024: You shall not… Exit! This store. Nope. Not happening. April Photo 📷 Challenge 8: Prevention

Apr 9, 2024: The foliage of April is not exactly that of October, but there were many of these April Photo 📷 Challenge 4: Foliage

Apr 9, 2024: Missing my digital journal You know, my Leuchtturm 1917 journal makes me miss my digital Emacs journal. I had a good talk with a good friend yesterday, and I wanted to make a …

Apr 8, 2024: I’m having thoughts about returning to Emacs for my journaling. I used to journal more, and it’s so easy to connect to events and …

Apr 7, 2024: I respect folks who choose to have monogamous relationships just as they respect my non-monogamy. But I do wonder at times, how many just default to …

Apr 7, 2024: Watched Bill Burr Answers The Web’s Most Searched Questions the other day, one thing led to another, and now I’m watching The Mandalorian …

Apr 5, 2024: This morning, I looked into improving the quality of compressed videos while keeping the file size down. I went into a ffmpeg rabbit hole for almost …

Apr 3, 2024: Pick a monkey, any monkey… or an owl? April Photo 📷 Challenge 3: Card

Apr 3, 2024: It’s not the first (or second) time I hear good things about Kagi. I tried it myself, and I ran out of searches quickly because I used it on my …

Apr 3, 2024: Another little gem I’ve been using for a while: org-toggle-narrow-to-subtree. I added an explanation to my emacs config: Macro I created to …

Apr 2, 2024: I wanted to fix company-mode for Emacs, and on the way I remembered that was something Emacs already comes with. Yep, and it has a name you’d …

Apr 2, 2024: I might have a flashy MacBook Pro for work and a Desktop with Windows installed to play the latest and greatest. But Linux feels like home. It’s …

Apr 1, 2024: An older photo from the archive of a… Hyacinth? Did I get that right? Right here at a nearby park April Photo 📷 Challenge 2: Flowers

Apr 1, 2024: Expensive dinner yesterday, but I can look at it and say, “It’s just money.” There were periods in my life when someone told me …

Mar 31, 2024: Hmm I don’t know that I’ll do the challenge, but this was just looking at me, so… April Photo 📷 Challenge 1: Toy

Mar 29, 2024: I know what I’m going to watch this weekend. What about you? ‘The Crow’ soundtrack turns 30: Looking back on the album that defined …

Mar 29, 2024: Emacs org-mode category I’ve been following 404 media for a while, and after they recently offered a discount, I decided to become a paying subscriber for a year. This …

Mar 28, 2024: I had a lot of things to say about the AI boom as Wikipedia calls it (I agree). It was mostly a devil’s advocate kind of post, 3000 words long. …

Mar 27, 2024: Oxygen Not Included (2017) - ★★★★★ Oxygen Not Included, aka ONI, is an amazing game I immediately recommend to anyone who likes thinking/managing games. It is made by Klei Studios, the …

Mar 21, 2024: I’m not one to celebrate birthdays—mine in particular—but sometimes it’s good to acknowledge good things, and last night was one such …

Mar 21, 2024: Spent a big portion of the morning working on the Archive page. Added the old links that I took out of the navigation bar, expended on RSS feeds, and …

Mar 17, 2024: They Live, 1988 - ★★★½ An unexpectedly fun movie. Roddy Piper plays the role that inspired the likes of Duke Nukem. He finds out the world is in an advanced stage of a …

Mar 14, 2024: This morning, I’m trying to wrap my head around the idea of web mentions. The explanation is simple enough, yet somehow I don’t fully get …

Mar 13, 2024: Just another note (I’m on a roll today) that I just added TinyLytics to my site. In a nutshell, it’s a hit counter: it tells me you read a …

Mar 13, 2024: Go wash your face It’s hard to stay away from extremes these days. Everyone has an opinion, there’s so much noise, and we constantly get mentally bombarded …

Mar 13, 2024: Updating my Emacs settings file. As this is now in an org file, it’s so easy to write comments there. It helps since comments on the blog get …

Mar 12, 2024: Saw something controversial on Mastodon? Twitter X? Reddit? Not so fast. Check the source. Then look up the source (if you don’t know it) to see …

Mar 12, 2024: Today was a bit of a downer, and I wasn’t in the mood. I also had to use my lunch break to get coffee since we were about to run out. You know …

Mar 11, 2024: Observation (2019) - ★★★★ Polygon has a good introduction to Observation: “Set in the year 2026, Observation’s story plays out on a titular low-orbit space station …

Mar 2, 2024: Changed my about section, and removed a couple of pages from the navigation (they are still there!) as I’m cleaning up a bit.

Mar 1, 2024: Sharing my CSS Tweaks and Emacs Configurations And now it’s my to complete a milestone: Uploading my Emacs config! That’s right. And with it, side by side, the CSS customizations …

Mar 1, 2024: He did it! Prot created a function that converts denote links back to “regular” org-mode links, using some regex magic. This means I can …

Feb 29, 2024: I must dig I have a confession to make. For the last two weeks or so, I’ve been toying around with the idea of resurrecting my college-days blog about the …

Feb 28, 2024: Tumblr and WordPress to Sell Users’ Data to Train AI Tools I’m still looking into the sources of this article, but 404 Media has a good …

Feb 27, 2024: Goofing around at the park

Feb 27, 2024: I need to do something about my mobile layout: Some fixes are obvious. I can decrease the owl’s bottom margin, preventing the description from …

Feb 26, 2024: A Scanner Darkly, 2006 - ★★★★ I watched this film before and couldn't follow it. There's so much going on, both visually and dialogue-wise. As odd as it might sound for a …

Feb 25, 2024: Whether you’re fully into the anti-AI movement or not, Reddit’s filing should light some warning lights for you: We believe we are in the …

Feb 25, 2024: Helldivers 2 (2024) - ★★★★ Let me tell you about MaxiPaine11 (pretty sure that was his name), a random person I found playing this game this morning. He was waiting for me next …

Feb 25, 2024: That’s what happens when you use Instagram for news – but is there an alternative? Lot’s of thoughts around this one. Demoted, …

Feb 24, 2024: Cleaned up my CSS a bit and added more comments to illustrate what I’ve done with TinyTheme. Feel free to borrow ideas! This is an ongoing fun: …

Feb 23, 2024: That’s it. My blog’s theme is now based on TinyTheme, with my colors and additions implemented. I will fix a couple more …

Feb 22, 2024: Last night, I finished reading: Starter Villain by John Scalzi 📚. This was a fun read! Pure entertainment. I chuckled around my apartment reading …

Feb 22, 2024: My weird logic of (still!) using Google Cloud products: Everyone has a Gmail account, so it’s easy to share I know Google sells everything of …

Feb 20, 2024: A few things: February A few things that kept me occupied this month: Playing around with TinyTheme Denote public information notes Pushing my comfort zones TinyTheme: I …

Feb 18, 2024: Snow at the shore 📷

Feb 16, 2024: Sunshine, 2007 - ★★★ A friend summarized this movie perfectly: good suspense film with hard Sci-Fi elements that go down the drain with the introduction of the villain. …

Feb 16, 2024: An NYC corner 📷

Feb 15, 2024: When @matt added Microhooks to his popular Tiny Theme, I decided to give it a try. My current theme, which is based on the Alpine theme, is a messy …

Feb 14, 2024: I’m happy with how my org-mode notes look like in GitLab: I need to resolve a few things, like creating another folder for these notes and tying …

Feb 11, 2024: Mostly finished Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor E Frankl 📚. There’s the part at the end of this edition where he talks about …

Feb 11, 2024: I got Starter Villain by John Scalzi 📚 on a whim after I found his blog through a comment somewhere around here or Mastodon. So far, it’s a fun …

Feb 10, 2024: Emacs abbrevs hacks I just watched Prot’s excellent video about abrrevs, and I feel my “Emacs IQ” has expanded a bit. Here are the notes from my …

Feb 8, 2024: No, it’s not like Slack. Or Teams. And please don’t tell me it’s like IRC. Discord makes me feel old in a way I don’t like. …

Feb 8, 2024: First Lechtturm-world problems I started using my new Leuchtturm1917 last weekend, as predicted. There’s a difference in the paper texture, though I’m not sure …

Feb 7, 2024: Ok ok! Enough internet rabbit holes! I’m gonna start doing some work. I swear. Right after I grab something to eat. And check on my laundry. And …

Feb 7, 2024: Bluesky Out of Beta + Various Social Media Thoughts, February 2024 This will be the cue for some folks to have a handwringing moment about whether …

Feb 7, 2024: And while I’m littering my techno thoughts over the internet for your eyeball pleasure: I’m considering testing out Tiny Theme from Matt. …

Feb 7, 2024: A couple of Emacs notes for options In preparation for adjusting my Emacs' settings, I added a couple of quick elisp functions I mashed together. The below is taking directly from my …

Feb 6, 2024: I wanted to switch away from Arc to use Edge (work) and Safari (personal). I got hit by several workflow-related problems I didn’t anticipate …

Feb 6, 2024: Feels like I was under a rock for the last two weeks… has several new features, and I had no idea until today when I noticed (for …

Feb 2, 2024: So now, after I wrote about Arc browser and the middleman, and after watching a co-worker implementing a cool workflow in Edge (we’re a …

Feb 2, 2024: Browsing is broken: I have a challenge for you I spewed my anger at how The internet is shit, and it’s getting worse the other day. Yesterday, I saw an update video from the Browser Company, …

Feb 2, 2024: Another Emacs org-mode re-discovered feature as I’m improving my workflow: Org-agenda is org-mode’s search engine. I include user names as …

Feb 1, 2024: This morning, I finished my first written journal 📓 in around 20 years. I started writing in it in 2013 and at some point I switched full-time into …

Jan 31, 2024: The internet is shit, and it's getting worse There’s one post I wrote I keep getting back to - the price of privacy. It’s a sad piece I originally wrote on my old blog back in 2020, …

Jan 29, 2024: My "watch a good movie" habit Another thing I enjoy doing with Emacs org-mode is my habit of watching movies. Emacs reminds me it’s time to watch a good movie in a range of …

Jan 29, 2024: Cory Doctorow doing what he does best: nailing it: Pluralistic: I assure you, an AI didn’t write a terrible “George Carlin” routine (29 Jan 2024) – …

Jan 29, 2024: I was looking into this post about Emacs as a comics reader, and I thought it would be nice to use Emacs as a quick way to check my desktop screen …

Jan 27, 2024: A Note from Our Executive Director: 2023 and my personal quest for software freedom I’ve had to decide to make an unfair moral choice: do I …

Jan 27, 2024: The Pixel 8 Pro can now read body temps, if you swipe it across your face Look, I’m not saying it’s not nice to have your …

Jan 26, 2024: The last week has been meh. The weather makes me think I’m in London, even though I’ve never visited. It’s been endlessly gray, and …

Jan 25, 2024: “Affectus, qui passio est, desinit esse passio simulatque eius claram et dis-tinctam formamus ideam.” Emotion, which is suffering, ceases …

Jan 25, 2024: Good morning 📷

Jan 24, 2024: Tried to write an org file and push it to my repository instead of using my wiki, but I ran into an issue with Denote. It doesn’t populate the …

Jan 23, 2024: Sometimes I can’t sleep. Or rather, I can’t go back to sleep. This has been a constant theme in my life for a couple of years, and this …

Jan 23, 2024: Does anyone on Windows want to try out Arc Browser (Beta)? They opened it up for today. I’ll need your email address.

Jan 22, 2024: I’m the proud owner of several cute owl logos for my site and wiki, thanks to Andy. The question now is, can I display one image for the …

Jan 22, 2024: Piracy, preservation, and the devs who don’t mind if you have to pirate their game “The video game industry started essentially mimicking …

Jan 22, 2024: It’s been too cold to spend time outside for the last week or so, and I managed to give myself a light case of cabin fever. I did go on a small …

Jan 20, 2024: Couldn’t handle it anymore. Braced the cold and went for a self date, treated myself to a vegan burger and a couple of drinks. Good times, glad …

Jan 18, 2024: But... Why? Last week, I stopped in front of a place I must have passed a hundred times before in my neighborhood. In front of me was a closed fence leading to …

Jan 16, 2024: Microsoft complaint #1204: On a Mac, Outlook is a second-class citizen. Something as simple as having dark mode working with the system theme is not …

Jan 14, 2024: Ye Olde Blogroll - Reader: Ye Olde Blogroll - Someone brought this great …

Jan 14, 2024: Dark City, 1998 - ★★★½ He can tune! Dark City has been a favorite of mine when it came out, and after I watched it again, I can see why. It's dark and melancholic with a …

Jan 14, 2024: A walk in the neighborhood with my camera 📷. These photos came so different, it’s hard to believe the locations are minutes apart.

Jan 11, 2024: Morning thought: can we make stock selling illegal for certain public companies that have their customer’s lives at stake, like, say, Boeing? …

Jan 11, 2024: I’m noticing more and more AI-generated (or seems like AI-generated) articles when I search for something. I read somewhere (I forget where) …

Jan 8, 2024: Had a “photo itch” when I went to get coffee this weekend. Took the camera with me. Two pictures 📷 from around Bleeker Street, near …

Jan 8, 2024: Did you know: the percent cookie in org-mode [%] works on headers, not just checkboxes Also, though, it will not work and remain …

Jan 8, 2024: solved (see below) Folks who use macOS reminders - is there any way to display all scheduled reminders in a widget rather than a specific list? I have …

Jan 7, 2024: I talked about making some changes to my project workflow in Emacs, and here are some changes I’ve implemented: ("p" "Personal …

Jan 7, 2024: Die Hard, 1988 - ★★½ A solid, fun action movie of the era. It's not going to blow your mind away. You know what to expect, you know how it ends, and it's fun this way if …

Jan 6, 2024: This morning, I woke up at around 5 for some reason (apparently some bad dream?) straight into a brainstorm. When several thoughts hit me like that …

Jan 5, 2024: Prospect, 2018 - ★★½ Prospect is a movie with two elements that should be reviewed separately. Its world-building is rich and intriguing; its story is shallow and lacking. …

Jan 5, 2024: Good morning all!

Jan 4, 2024: Denote and org-mode instead of my TiddlyWiki? While I just explained why I’m dropping some of the usages for org-mode, it’s still very powerful for what I do need it: projects and …

Jan 3, 2024: Less org-mode, more Outlook? Why!? It was one of our regular Wednesday date nights. Nat and I decided to meet in one of our favorite local spots instead of ordering in. Knowing Nat …

Jan 1, 2024: The latte from Starbucks was awful enough to throw away, unfinished. Headed to WTC, where I know a better spot. Indeed, it saved me. 📷 I can’t …

Jan 1, 2024: I picked up Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor E Frankl 📚. I didn’t know what it’s about, it fell from my bookcase so I read a …

Jan 1, 2024: Woke up this morning to the alcohol remains of last year’s final night. Standing in a Starbucks at a low table facing Dey Street, sipping a weak …

Dec 31, 2023: Just a note for ya all wishing you a happy new year! Don’t stay up too late if you don’t want to, being adult and grumpy means you can do …

Dec 28, 2023: EOY Reflection #5: I worked out more days and more hours this year than I probably did in the last 10 years combined, thanks to exercising at home. …

Dec 28, 2023: Board Game Cafe Workers Went on a Quest for a Union and Won Workers said pay was low and staffing was inadequate. Some described frantic scenes at …

Dec 27, 2023: EOY Reflection #4: So less Emacs org-mode… For one, I could never integrate my calendar with it fully (due to work restrictions on access). For …

Dec 27, 2023: EOY Reflection #3: I’ve been more analog. First the small pocket notebook for morning thoughts, and then back to my paper journal. Also less …

Dec 24, 2023: Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate!

Dec 22, 2023: EOY Reflection #2: Luck is a component of what I have today. Perhaps not a big component, perhaps I hate to admit luck has anything with it at all, …

Dec 22, 2023: EOY Reflection #1: I’ve made more friends than I have before. A big part of it is embracing more of my neurodivergent nature (a new word for me …

Dec 20, 2023: I just complained about Ridley’s Prometheus, so let me counter that with praise for a show I’ve been watching: Undone. Go watch it. …

Dec 20, 2023: Prometheus, 2012 - ★★ I had hopes: Ridley. A compelling story. Horror Sci-Fi. Instead, what we have here is an "If it ain't broken, don't fix it" movie based on a tested …

Dec 17, 2023: The Muppets are amazing. NK and I grew up in different countries, yet we both enjoy the uplifting fuzzy entertainers of our childhood. I identify …

Dec 16, 2023: NYC can be annoying often, but it’s also one of those places you can go into a ransom Christmas Carol muppets style for adults out of nowhere.

Dec 14, 2023: ‘There’s almost nobody left’: CEO of Baldur’s Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, …

Dec 14, 2023: Over at Mastodon, Emily Gorcemski posted: I asked for the source, but it was lost. In any case, the point made here is hardly original, though, for …

Dec 13, 2023: I’ve been putting hours upon hours into Stable Diffusion, which is an open-sourced “AI thing.” I have so many thoughts, and writing …

Dec 6, 2023: Leave my Chromecast alone, Google Nk and I have been rewatching X-files since late 2021. It’s a blast. It’s a fun show with relevance today, just as it was in the 1990s. …

Dec 6, 2023: You know, this begs the question: are there any Emacs folks who use and know of a package to publish to MB, possibly with images (and now, …

Dec 6, 2023: Emacs and OSM (Open Street Maps) are a natural match, so it just makes sense they work very well together out of the box. Built-in search function, …

Dec 3, 2023: After a recent episode with my Chromecast and YouTube (more on this later), I have a question for movie lovers: Some cult movies and the like are not …

Dec 3, 2023: Gamespot went to Poland and interviewed the people at CD Project Red about Cyberpunk. This is an eye-opening clip (about 30 minutes long) exploring …

Dec 3, 2023: Baba Yaga, 1973 - ★½ For me, this was high hopes, low delivery. It goes to show that foreign doesn't necessarily mean sophisticated. The story consists of a bunch of …

Dec 2, 2023: With this avatar, I’m now a true member of! 🙂

Nov 29, 2023: I enjoyed Robocop last weekend. Oddly enough, I don’t think I ever set through the entire movie. Perhaps what I remember is Robocop 2. I still …

Nov 28, 2023: Exploring more AI-generated graphics. This one took more work and involved SD and Photoshop (I definitely need to work on my light reflection skills - …

Nov 28, 2023: I’m going to check in with an old friend to try and express a “splinter in my mind” that’s been bothering me for a couple of …

Nov 25, 2023: About half of Bandcamp employees have been laid off roughly half of Bandcamp employees have been laid off. Old news now, but I didn’t hear about it. …

Nov 23, 2023: Omegle’s Downfall: From Chatroom Ideal to Internet Scourge I worry that, unless the tide turns soon, the Internet I fell in love with may cease …

Nov 23, 2023: Happy Thanksgiving from NYC, everyone! We’ll have a vegan day, and I’m already drooling. My sister’s a magician, and my mom has …

Nov 22, 2023: I fell into an alternative Stable Diffusion hole and I can’t have enough. AI image generation software that is open source, with hundreds of …

Nov 21, 2023: Today, I (re?)learned the value of breaking down tasks, even after I do them. Progress throughout the day is immediately apparent, even though …

Nov 19, 2023: Week 46 This was the week of the analog journal 📓, and I discovered two unexpected benefits. First, writing by hand is much slower than typing, and if I want …

Nov 19, 2023: Marie Curie’s Research Papers Are Still Radioactive a Century Later If you want to look at her manuscripts, you have to sign a liability waiver at …

Nov 19, 2023: I found my first digital camera 📷 burried in my trunk of memories. I left the batteries inside so it’s probably not to be used again…

Nov 17, 2023: Why do you need a technical writer? A sysadmin or an engineer may know what this means: “When users log on to Domain joined computers, they are …

Nov 17, 2023: Sorry for littering… I found a video game review site, backloggd (inspired by letterboxd), which allows RSS feed. This means I can use it to …

Nov 17, 2023: World of Warships (2015) - ★★½ On my Gaming PC, I renamed World of Warship’s desktop shortcut to Sad Addiction. That’s a good summary of what I think about this game. It …

Nov 15, 2023: I’m rewriting some parts about in the wiki now that I have a better idea of how it stands out conceptually.

Nov 14, 2023: I’ve had a weird Stage Manager problem on the Mac for a while. When I switch from a full-screen app (like my browser) to the left to a stage in …

Nov 14, 2023: Why doctors in America earn so much TLDR: the article claims it’s a closed market geared at profiting a small group of surviving insiders. More …

Nov 13, 2023: Another Manhattan sticker-covered manhole. Lafayette Street. 📷

Nov 13, 2023: Microsoft keeps me busy - working on technical documentation. In the picture, my personal notes.

Nov 13, 2023: I forget sometimes how expensive NYC can be. Coffee and sandwich cost close to $20 with 15% tip…

Nov 13, 2023: Porto Rico Importing has been my go-to for coffee beans 🫘 for about a year. They’ve been around for a couple of generations and have three …

Nov 13, 2023: Anatomy of a Fall, 2023 - ★★★½ I made a mistake. I went in thinking "murder mystery," but the real death in this movie is the fairy tale of a perfect marriage. And it's brutal. The …

Nov 12, 2023: Week 45 This was a challenging week. My mind and soul were at odds with each other constantly, most of which is now documented in my handwritten journal. I …

Nov 11, 2023: SoHo Park.

Nov 11, 2023: My new printer is here, and it's fantastic. 📷 Fred, which is how I decided to name it (we’ll see if it sticks), is already proving to be a crucial part of my photography process I …

Nov 10, 2023: More changes over at the wiki; I wrote a CaptainLog about those. It’s good to keep the wiki updated, especially with such important personal …

Nov 10, 2023: Matt on Tumblr There have been a few staff changes within the team, but basically what we’re saying is starting January 1, 2024 we’ll try …

Nov 9, 2023: After I added my website’s email to Outlook (which I have to use because of work), I started emailing people more often from my own domain. I …

Nov 8, 2023: The old and the new.

Nov 7, 2023: Jon Stewart’s Show on Apple Is Ending Mr. Stewart told members of his staff on Thursday that potential show topics related to China and artificial …

Nov 7, 2023: Added a new search to the blog, powered by Sven’s Search Space. Click the little magnifying glass 🔎 at the top bar to check it out. I also took …

Nov 7, 2023: I bought a new photo printer I seem to be enjoying writing in my journal, and the arm pain is slowly fading. I posted some of my Maine photos, and I’d like to be able to …

Nov 6, 2023: Writing Analog 📙 Shoved in the back of my bookcase behind a couple of forgotten books, covered by dust, was my latest hand-written journal I wrote. A black large-sized …

Nov 4, 2023: Maine, 2023 To see a larger version, check out the photos page or right-click on an image and open it in a new tab.

Nov 4, 2023: Week 44 In the past, I created a couple of weekly video updates (you can find a couple of those on Diode Zone, a PeerTube instance), but it seems written …

Nov 3, 2023: Location: Conservatory Water “Conservatory Water is a pond located in a natural hollow within Central Park in Manhattan, New York City. It is located west of Fifth Avenue, …

Nov 2, 2023: A walk outside for a break is always a good idea.

Nov 2, 2023: They didn’t send an invite to the meeting they scheduled. Then, when I asked what’s going on, they sent one 40 minutes late. Then I waited …

Nov 2, 2023: Youtube’s Anti-adblock and uBlock Origin - And a Dinosaur YouTube isn’t rolling out the anti-adblock to everyone … there are a bunch of people …

Nov 2, 2023: I’m working on consolidating my reading process on the web. It involves RSS feeds, of course, but also going into more depth and visiting …

Oct 31, 2023: With the temperature outside in lower. 50s, it’s still 80 degrees in my room. Yesterday, it passed it. At this rate, I will run my AC into …

Oct 31, 2023: I’m turning on cross-posting from once again as an experiment.

Oct 30, 2023: After organizing my photos, I finally got to edit and work out some of my photos 📷from Bar Harbor in September. More work to do, but progress…!

Oct 30, 2023: If You See a Teal Pumpkin This Halloween, This Is What It Means The teal pumpkins are part of the Teal Pumpkin Project, put on by the non-profit Food …

Oct 29, 2023: Also, sorting my photos, I’m considering a couple of features I’d like in a future camera 📷: GPS tagging (so I can find photos by looking …

Oct 29, 2023: One of the things that was holding me back from editing my photos was the mess. I now organized them by week numbers (that’s how I work, and …

Oct 29, 2023: After all this time, I still can’t evaluate inches in my head. I bought a new shower head, an “extra long 60-inch hose.” I contacted Amazon to …

Oct 28, 2023: No One Will Save You, 2023 - ★★½ You know the taste of a well-done steak left on the grill a bit too long? They add more spices in, some more exotic than others, to make it …

Oct 27, 2023: I’m at about 60% reading Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane 📚. I somehow picked just the right book for Halloween for me.

Oct 27, 2023: A note about location “check-ins” in MB: You might have noticed a couple of locations posts on my blog, like this one, for example. …

Oct 25, 2023: It’s a small thing, almost unnoticeable, but I do have a bit more willpower and the ability to regulate my thoughts. For example, if I’m …

Oct 25, 2023: Emacs vent I know I’m grumpy this morning, but I think I’m getting tired of Emacs. Every time something doesn’t work, you have to dig in and …

Oct 25, 2023: After not sleeping well a second night, nothing is better than the nice calming noise of a leaf blower 🤪

Oct 24, 2023: Morningside Park - 113th St. Playground.

Oct 24, 2023: Tom’s Restaurant.

Oct 23, 2023: I’ve had the MacBook Pro M2 for about two months now, connected to power 24/7, with an external screen, keyboard and mouse. I was worried it …

Oct 23, 2023: Dutch Baby Bakery: checking out a new place in the neighborhood to work from. Good stuff here. dutch_bake.

Oct 23, 2023: People here who record and edit podcasts, what apps do you use? What is your generic workflow?

Oct 23, 2023: I haven’t lookeded at my photos in too long. At some point after returning from the last vacation I decided most of the pictures I took were crappy …

Oct 22, 2023: A walk in the chilled air and a nice hot pizza 🍕 .

Oct 21, 2023: Today’s been interesting getting location check-ins (through Swarm) to show up on I think this is yet another obvious area of …

Oct 19, 2023: So, I’m reading the book, and there’s a loaded question I have to ask. In the book, @manton says big companies eventually …

Oct 19, 2023: Reading the microblogging book by @manton makes me think; what if all long form posts (with title) will be on my wiki? Is this a good separation? 🤔

Oct 19, 2023: Decided to take a walk. I forget how nice it can be to be outside for a few minutes in this hoodie weather. Status: self recharging 🔋

Oct 18, 2023: Exporting Posts / Images from After looking into this myself, I wrote down the proccess in my wiki 📖. There are a few things I am also slowy adding to it. Right now I’m …

Oct 17, 2023: Important factors for journaling I’ve been keeping a journal on and off since I was 16 or so, but it’s only in 2018 that I started being more structured about it, thanks …

Oct 16, 2023: So far I’m enjoying Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane 📚. It’s written better than I thought; I like how he describes things, most of the …

Oct 14, 2023: As I’m using Arc Browser more, I’m becoming aware of an annoying thread I forgot about in my days of using LibreWolf: Google’s …

Oct 13, 2023: Currently reading: Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane 📚 I picked this up last night after I couldn’t satisfy my “I want to read …

Oct 10, 2023: Some folks here and on Fosstodon reached out to ask how my family and I are holding up in light of everything happening in Israel. Thanks for checking …

Oct 9, 2023: Rendezvous with Rama Finished reading: Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C 📚 Ah, so this is hard sci-fi, a “category of science fiction characterized by concern for …

Oct 6, 2023: New Desktop Apps I'm Enjoying Recently At this point, three app-related updates in the last couple of weeks that I think are here to stay: Arc Browser Lillihub (for Kagi Search …

Oct 5, 2023: Took a walk in the woods for some peace and quiet. I came across a circle made of branches. Inside, another ring and a cross made of rocks with white …

Oct 3, 2023: I was playing around with the new macOS Sonoma aerial screensavers. I noticed there doesn’t seem to be an official way to remove downloaded …

Oct 2, 2023: The World-Cancelling Sony WH-1000XM5 Last week, I got the Sony WH-1000XM5 Wireless Noise-Canceling Headset 🎧. Nat works at a headset store, so deciding where to go was easy. I got to try …

Oct 2, 2023: Before I got my new MacBook, one of my worries was having it plugged to power 24/7. I do most of my work on it from home, and it’s plugged into …

Oct 1, 2023: Two in one, or as a previous manager used to say: “two for five!” finishing the photoblog challenge, a bit behind. September photo 📷 …

Sep 28, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 28 Workout Since COVID, I’ve started to exercise in my room. I’ve been exercising way more often this way …

Sep 28, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 27 Embrace After several days without sun, I was ready to go for a run and embrace the sun yesterday.

Sep 27, 2023: An Ordinary Wednesday Good morning. The sun is finally out, after being out of sight for the last… I don’t know, four days? I actually got excited yesterday …

Sep 26, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 26 ** Beverage** What, no coffee? I actually have a couple of favorites. Pictured here, is pomegranate juice, slightly …

Sep 25, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 25 Flare New Mexico, before the hot balloon ride, 2021.

Sep 25, 2023: Golda, 2023 - ★★★½ I read a review somewhere that Mirren can play many roles, but Israel's Golda Meir is not one of them. Bullshit. Mirren is the gem of the movie. If …

Sep 25, 2023: Can ChatGPT Replace a Technical Writer? Anyone can write instructions, they say, especially in the age of AI. Just write a list of steps and add a screenshot or two, and that’s it. I …

Sep 24, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 24 Belt I had this belt for about 15 years.

Sep 24, 2023: Any idea how I would go at trying to get my data (check-ins) exported from Foursquare? There are a few scripts here and there that involve API, but …

Sep 23, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 23 Day In the Life That’s just me in the corner… typical morning routine.

Sep 22, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 22 Road Almost skipped this one… One of the side streets in Florance, Italy.

Sep 21, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 21 Fall

Sep 21, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 20 Disruption Who hasn’t had this sort of disruption at work?? (If you work on a Mac or Linux, sit …

Sep 19, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 19 Edge

Sep 18, 2023: Got a new MacBook Pro 14, and I gotta say, the screen is phenomenal. It’s like my eyes are being polite and saying please and thank you. The …

Sep 18, 2023: Blade Runner, 1982 - ★★★★ I watched Blade Runner more than once, but this time, I did so after reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. To me, there's no question about it: …

Sep 18, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 18 Fabric I’m having fun with the different photo modes on the iPhone. I didn’t explore them in depth before, but …

Sep 17, 2023: Currently reading: Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke 📚 I think someone here mentioned it. I’m impressed with Clarke’s factual …

Sep 17, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 17: Intense 🎶 These hot sauces are not kidding around. I only dare to use one drop on a bun. Any more than that and I …

Sep 17, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 16: Oof! Oof, this hits the spot! London fog (oat milk) and almond milk rice pudding.

Sep 16, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 15: Red The red tail on my mom’s favorite animal (I can’t stand him)

Sep 15, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 14: Statue When we visited Copenhagen, we saw these statues underwater in the canal. They were intended to be …

Sep 15, 2023: Docking a new Mac? I’m looking for a good docking station solution for a MacBook pro 14''. When at home, I want it to connect to LAN, power, SD card, and a coupe …

Sep 14, 2023: Stomach/head issues again I spent most of my evening with a paralyzing head/stomach pain combo. I couldn’t do much besides to lay down and hope to sleep. I think the …

Sep 14, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 13: Glowing

Sep 13, 2023: OK fine, I will also talk about the Apple Event: Oh, a USB C! Am I sure this is an Apple event? I love my camera, but having a 120mm and micro lens always on me? Tempting. The size though… Why …

Sep 12, 2023: Hey, this looks pretty good…! When was this implemented, and who should I thank?

Sep 12, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 12: Panic Here’s a goofy one from pre-COVID days. I call it “that moment when you finally got yourself out …

Sep 12, 2023: The most important thing in any reminder/notes system is to stick to it. Scattered notes in 5 different apps mean you’ll never find what you …

Sep 11, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 11: Retrospect In retrospect, I enjoy small parties with a few good folks. This one is from around Christmas two years …

Sep 10, 2023: Finished reading: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Blade Runner, #1) by Philip K. Dick 📚 I always wanted to read this one, and now I did. A …

Sep 10, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 10: Cycle I talked about my sand timer (hourglass) before; it’s how I measure my productivity/work cycles and …

Sep 9, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 9: Language After traveling from Bangor Maine to Portland and now to Boston to catch a train to NYC, that’s the …

Sep 9, 2023: Flight from Maine back home got cancelled due to weather and United is telling us no refund because we’re economy. Anyone ever heard lf this?

Sep 8, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 8: Yonder

Sep 7, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 7: Panorama From Bar Harobr :)

Sep 6, 2023: I’m in Bar Harbor, Maine. It’s pretty here, quiet. There are plenty of boats and fewer cars, no air conditioning. Thankfully it’s not …

Sep 6, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 6: well I’m on vacation, and while there’s no well, I’m doing well myself 😊

Sep 5, 2023: The Mastodon in the room I recently wondered if the folks on Mastodon who read my posts are aware of my blog. The answer is not really: While not surprising, this …

Sep 5, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 5: Forest A magical path in the woods…

Sep 4, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 4: Orange A woman and her dog taking a nap betwe stops on the NYC subway, which happens to have orange seats.

Sep 3, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 3: Precious I can’t think of anything precious that is not some sort of an inside joke, so here’s …

Sep 3, 2023: Where do my photos belong? A few weeks ago, Jack decided to stop using Glass. Around that time, Manton wrote about what’s wrong with Glass, raising different yet related …

Sep 2, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 2: Buildup

Sep 1, 2023: September photo 📷 challenge day 1: Abstract

Aug 31, 2023: Evaluating writing in a notebook Today, I wanted to know if my notebook 📙 has been useful to me. I’ve been writing down notes in the morning on and off since February, so I have …

Aug 29, 2023: My movie watching habit in org-mode Not too long ago, I organized my routines on Emacs with new habits. I’m particularly satisfied with my “watch a good movie” habit: …

Aug 27, 2023: Grumpy Old Men, 1993 - ★★★ I felt like I wanted to watch something lighter, and this was definitely it. It's the 90s through and through, with humor and the budding start of …

Aug 25, 2023: Pouches and Organizers As evident from the notebook, I was thinking about pouches this morning. I was inspired by Adam Savage’s YouTube video. His company makes nice …

Aug 23, 2023: My brain when I don’t sleep: “I think I can figure out how to get Emacs Org-mode instead of my work’s annoying GUI options for …

Aug 23, 2023: Finished reading: The Maid by Nita Prose 📚 yesterday. Nicely written, from a somewhat different perspective of Molly the maid. Suspense and a couple …

Aug 21, 2023: The latest S3 video is now up:

Aug 20, 2023: I was looking into Star Trek strange new worlds yesterday, then realized I never watched it’s predecessor or Enterprise. That last one is with …

Aug 19, 2023: Joyland, 2022 - ★★★★ When this movie starts throwing punches, it doesn’t let go. Joyland has many layers that are both beautiful and terrible. It’s culturally refreshing, …

Aug 18, 2023: Productivity tricks at work The quality of work at my job this week has been higher thanks to a couple of renewed workflows I adjusted to my current role. I wanted to share some …

Aug 18, 2023: Good morning! Todays breakfast sandwich 🥪 is one of my favorites: goat cheese, reddish, brussels sprouts, and mustard.

Aug 17, 2023: Have you ever read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress? There’s a catchy phrase there, TINSTAAFL: there is no such thing as a free lunch. I want to …

Aug 17, 2023: I tried to get into Stage Manager like all the cool kids for the last two days, but I can’t. The idea is nice, but it’s just so …

Aug 15, 2023: I must have spent an hour this morning reading posts on Microblog. Intriguing points from @jack, a relatable post from @amit, and a nicely written …

Aug 14, 2023: I picked up The Maid by Nita Prose 📚 at random from the library recommendations (most popular list of fiction). Read a sample, felt the writing is to …

Aug 13, 2023: On my way back from the coffee roaster, I took a detour with my camera. Most of the photos didn’t come out interesting; I now call those …

Aug 11, 2023: Anyone has an idea how to quickly scan something to iCloud as a PDF file? I want an independent PDF, not the Notes version. Currently I go to Files …

Aug 9, 2023: I finished reading: Dark Matter by Blake Crouch 📚 last night. I feel the central idea of this book, multiple parallel dimensions, is discussed too …

Aug 9, 2023: Checklists, the me version A good checklist… Breaks down complex known projects (“How do I start this huge task?")1. Shows a clear start and a clear end (has …

Aug 8, 2023: So I gave up on Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake 📚 a few weeks back. I found that the more I read, the more I forced myself to keep it up. …

Aug 8, 2023: I guess it’s my turn to test Scribe from @amit. I’m especially interested in it because I tend to use the web interface often. …

Aug 8, 2023: Somewhat better now… Added a bunch of my old posts with photos to the photos category, so they now show on thephotos page. Photos, just to say …

Aug 8, 2023: Meh. A second morning of poor sleep. The humid grey depressing weather outside doesn’t help much. I need the energy to work on several projects, …

Aug 7, 2023: Cactus test, from the kitchen window 📷.

Aug 6, 2023: This weekend, I wiped my Windows partition and managed to delete my local Linux backup & games with it. Reinstalled Windows. Windows was happy to …

Aug 5, 2023: A new S3 Video..! About time. In this video: Arc browser My new Photos page, why, and what it shows How to talk to people - a podcast Using the …

Aug 3, 2023: The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, 2018 - ★★★ A collection of shorts by the Cohen brothers that takes place in their favorite time period. Some are golden nuggets, and some are just, well, ain't …

Aug 3, 2023: It’s all a matter of perspective 📷.

Aug 2, 2023: Today we ran out of almond milk, so I tried flax milk. Bleeeh 🤢. Not a fan. I will need to make myself a regular latte later. Almond and sometimes oat …

Aug 1, 2023: Today’s album: “sharp mornings” 📷

Jul 31, 2023: How much should we blog? Jack is taking down his RSS feeds for his detailed “vents” and going back to the regular RSS posting. This had me thinking. How much of what goes on …

Jul 31, 2023: Time to wake up and smell the coffee ☕. Ethiopian French roast 📷.

Jul 30, 2023: Guuhhhhh, I’m getting desperate here. Does anyone know of a way to export an Excel sheet to a clean table in HTML? Saving a sheet to htm …

Jul 30, 2023: Pre-coffee.

Jul 29, 2023: Embracing the iPhone: Week 1 About a week ago, I wrote I miss the nice things about having a “real” smartphone. Since then, I started using my iPhone almost for …

Jul 28, 2023: This is the second episode on this podcast I listen to, and so far it’s pretty interesting. This episode talks about public spaces, and how …

Jul 27, 2023: The photo page on the blog is now set to post any photos (in JPEG format, not PNG, so screenshots are not included). I like to take pictures, and I …

Jul 27, 2023: I’m trying Arc browser (thanks to @jack) and I’m hooked. So far it passed the test of “there’s an emergency at work, I …

Jul 25, 2023: A Man Called Otto, 2022 - ★★★ A tested and proven formula, the other movie that comes to mind immediately for me is Gran Torino. Tom Hanks pulls off a more likable human being than …

Jul 25, 2023: I have a question for those of you who use Automator on their Mac . I have a folder action that renders PDFs to JPG, with two problems so far: It …

Jul 24, 2023: A short walk after work 📷. I love having this park so close, with all its flowers.

Jul 24, 2023: On the techie side 💾, I can’t resolve my issues with VMware (it’s slow to the point it’s unusable, and all the troubleshooting …

Jul 22, 2023: Running thoughts - an audio recording Playing around with my new ability to upload video files, here are some motivational thoughts about running from earlier this week. A quick recording …

Jul 20, 2023: I miss the nice things I miss having a functional smartphone with me. You may recall that I have GrapheneOS installed on my Google Pixel 6. The phone is stripped from …

Jul 17, 2023: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, 1964 - ★★★★ I'm sorry I haven't watched this sooner. A masterful Satire, frighteningly still related today almost as it was in the 1960s. This movie should go on …

Jul 17, 2023: Looking into Emacs Denote Prot’s Denote is an interesting package to explore. It has limited use for me because most of my notes are attached to tasks and projects, which …

Jul 16, 2023: Tetris, 2023 - ★★★½ This movie surprised me for the better. I thought this was going to be a flashy movie about a classic video game - which it is - but there's more. …

Jul 14, 2023: The real kings of NYC parks 📷

Jul 12, 2023: I am now on Bluesky. Feels like old-school Twitter back when everything was cool and without ads. Just my stream and cat pics. Lots of cat pics.

Jul 11, 2023: Is there some sort of a way to get into Bluesky that I’m missing? There seems to be a waiting list, but that’s it, yet I see a few folks …

Jul 11, 2023: Today on my lunch walk there was so much yellow in front of me it made me dizzy just to take this photo… 📷

Jul 11, 2023: Today is my Emacs day - the day I created my first “for real now” journal entry in Emacs org-mode in 2018. Wow, 5 years I’ve been …

Jul 10, 2023: Apple came out with a Classical music solution not too long ago, and most reviews amounted to “meh.” I wanted to throw in my solution: …

Jul 9, 2023: Those of you who have cats 😺: have you found a way to get rid of the litter box smell? I’d consider one, but this is the main issue. This is a …

Jul 6, 2023: Going Premium I decided to give premium a go. I’ve been on the regular tier for a while, enjoying what the platform and community has to offer. …

Jul 6, 2023: Heading back home. This wasn’t the magical vacation it was last time, but you can’t make magic, it happens on its own when you don’t …

Jul 5, 2023: Halation and Accessiblity As a result of a conversation with Pete yesterday, I did some of my own digging into accessibility and contrast. The first interesting thing I …

Jul 5, 2023: One of my favorite “bald guy” hacks is the noggin water splash. If it’s hot, go wash your hands, face, and noggin with cold water in …

Jul 4, 2023: This photo doesn’t do it justice, but I had to capture it as I was walking, with only the phone on me. I hope to get better photos later today …

Jul 4, 2023: Question for you weather gurus out there 🌞 ⛈️. When you look at the radar map in a weather app and you see the clouds in all these pretty colors, is …

Jul 3, 2023: “Yes your dog can come in. Yes we have a restroom. Yes you can use it.” I don’t think we’re in NYC anymore.

Jul 3, 2023: On my way to a short fireworks escape vacation for a couple of days. Took the camera bag with me, and excited to see what photos I take this time.

Jul 3, 2023: VMware is too slow to be usable For the last hour or so, I tried to get VMware working on my Windows desktop. My Linux mint VM, which I had installed and worked perfectly fine for a …

Jul 1, 2023: Cities: Skylines 2 Looking forward to Cities: Skylines 2 🎮 coming this October Cities: Skyline is a dangerous game if you’re into city building. You can design …

Jun 27, 2023: Another grey rainy day with some 75% humidity until the afternoon… At times like these I think I was made for deserts.

Jun 26, 2023: The George Washington Bridge on a foggy day. Believe it or not, this was the view from our apartment one day. I took the picture some two years ago …

Jun 25, 2023: Pride 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️at the Westfield World Trade Center

Jun 25, 2023: Of DnD, Shadowrun, and attempting my own thing Back in 1984, William Gibson wrote Neuromancer, a book that gave birth to the Cyberpunk genre along with Ridley Scott’s Bladerunner. Dungeons …

Jun 24, 2023: my two cents about facebook & ActivityHub My niece graduated from kindergarten, and I wanted to send a reply in a short video. I don’t usually use my iPhone on a whim for personal …

Jun 23, 2023: I now have an official email with my domain…! Hooray. It’s my name here at the domain, also added to the About page. I’ve been busy …

Jun 18, 2023: The flowers decided to show face and enjoy the breeze. I did the same. 📷📷📷

Jun 16, 2023: From Wired: The US Is Openly Stockpiling Dirt on All Its Citizens Read: WIRED - The Latest in Technology, Science, Culture and …

Jun 15, 2023: The fireworks started here in NYC. Since COVID, I hate those with passion. The sleepless nights for these couple of weeks is not something I want to …

Jun 13, 2023: The Thing, 2011 - ★★★ I'm not sure I watched The Thing, or I don't remember if I did, but this movie makes me want to watch the original. The story is not too unique, but …

Jun 13, 2023: “The Cage” on West 4th Street in Manhattan 🏀. I watched an intense game between the Greens and the Reds for a few minutes.

Jun 10, 2023: Installing Emacs from source Thursday evening I felt smart and decided to clear some space in my boot partition on my Linux Mint computer with apt autopurge. What this does is to …

Jun 10, 2023: I thought I’ll make a nice little video about CSS “reverse engineering” on my blog. Started out ok, but quickly went off track as I …

Jun 9, 2023: The old and the new. NYC.

Jun 9, 2023: So I bought Diablo 4 Out of nowhere, I bought Diablo 4 🎮 yesterday for full price. It came up to about $75 bucks, tax and all. It’s Blizzard, so I know I’m not …

Jun 7, 2023: Meanwhile, in NYC… I skipped my morning run today. Sitting here with an air purifier we just got by chance (I ordered one last week) on full …

Jun 7, 2023: Why WWDC23 makes me (even more) grumpy Not specifically an Apple thing, but Apple-emphasized. To put it simply, it’s Money. The way Apple splits people into can-haves and …

Jun 5, 2023: So once again Apple “introduces” technology people can’t afford to do something they don’t need.

Jun 5, 2023: Knives Out, 2019 - ★★★ An entertaining watch with smart kind of fun. There aren't enough mystery movies, and this one is built with care and skill. Definitely watch if you …

Jun 5, 2023: The last post makes me think I should write an update on how life’s been without (well, almost without) Google apps entirely on my Phone. Turns …

Jun 5, 2023: The Wikipedia for Maps - OpenStreetMaps This morning I re-discovered the Wikipedia of digital maps: Openstreetmaps. I had an account there, but I haven’t used it in a while. Turns out …

Jun 4, 2023: self-portrait of NK by NK - from Florence

Jun 1, 2023: Added some of my old posts from the old blog and realized that the time on those is all around midnight. I use the schedule post option in MB, and …

May 31, 2023: At my usual corner, taking a sip, having a thought.

May 30, 2023: A few additions to my wiki today on the more technical side of things. A new CaptainLog as well.

May 29, 2023: Liquid Sky, 1982 - ★★★★ I'd like to say this movie is before its time, but it's not. The issues it raises were present in the 80s as well as in the 1800s. We just take more …

May 28, 2023: The index page for on my wiki wasn’t up, so I created a new one. Also created the Discover page after talking more to @jean about it. …

May 28, 2023: A bit of RSS magic here, a bit MB customization there, and poof! A new movie 🎥 review page on the blog. It even comes with its own RSS feed: …

May 28, 2023: Leviathan, 1989 - ★★ Your typical 90s suspense flick with all the clichés. I enjoyed the story, and the effects are nice. It makes you appreciate the stunts department …

May 27, 2023: The Beast, 1975 - ★★★½ Ok, let's get this out of the way first. Yes, there's horse dick in this movie. Lots and lots of it. So if you have a problem with horse dick, this is …

May 26, 2023: I recorded another S3 video Monday, and I didn’t get around to post it until yesterday. The first one since I got back from Italy. In this vid: …

May 25, 2023: As a privacy advocate (yes, this is a term that fits me at this point I think) I have a hard time replacing Google Maps. There isn’t another app …

May 25, 2023: After Micro.Camp 2023, quite a few folks got excited about Mars Edit. And for a good reason. It’s an excellent writing tool geared specifically …

May 24, 2023: A cult movie lovers' fantasy come true Yesterday I finally got around to check out a place that’s been on my radar for a year: Film Noir Cinema 🍿. Located in Greenpoint in Brooklyn, …

May 23, 2023: I’m switching back to Celsius this week. I grew up on the metric system, and at this point my brain is a clustermess of miles, 24 hour format, …

May 22, 2023: Neptune Frost, 2021 - ★★ I gave this movie about half an hour before giving up. A cloud of buzzwords in different languages thrown into trippy song and beautiful costumes. …

May 22, 2023: Failed to finish List of movies I could not finish, usually because they're bad or because I can't follow the plot Neptune Frost The Colony

May 22, 2023: My thoughts about Mirco.Camp and what I learned Micro.Camp 2023 is over. I had fun, enjoyed listening and participating, and got exciting new ideas to explore. For me, these include mainly three …

May 20, 2023: Thanks to Micro Camp 🏕️, I learned Glass is now available on Android and the web. It’s also not as expensive as I thought it was. Trying it out: …

May 18, 2023: View during lunch 📷

May 18, 2023: Privacy vs Convenience on the Mac With GrapheneOS installed, I am motivated to lock down the Mac a bit further. I dusted off my privacy geek hat and put it on last night, and did two …

May 14, 2023: Trying out GrapheneOS Update: I now have this process documented on my wiki. GrapheneOS is a hardened Android OS variant. It essentially strips out all the “Google …

May 13, 2023: Company of Heroes 3 is Fun I was skeptical about buying Company of Heroes (CoH) 3 🎮 because of the mixed reviews. I’m glad I did, the game is a lot of fun so far. For …

May 12, 2023: Is there anyone who thinks encryption on a social network is a good idea? Twitter in particular? The only “up” side, the way I see it, is …

May 10, 2023: Currently reading: Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures by Merlin Sheldrake 📚

May 10, 2023: Yesterday, I went to visit a bookstore 📚 I thought I had been to before. Turns out it’s the wrong store, but it was still the very right one.

May 9, 2023: I think I’m starting to enjoy stickers more after my vacation in Italy… 📷 Captured on Prince Street, NYC.

May 8, 2023: Writing down thoughts like rain. And books. The notebook 📝 “mind dump” experiment seems to find its footing. I can name it and define it, which means it has a more solid part in my …

May 7, 2023: Back Home Being home is good. I missed my corner, my writing, and my tech. But I also miss the breakfast at the wonderful bakery down the street or going down …

May 4, 2023: Day 8 - Copenhagen Copenhagen also has public bathrooms on main streets and plazas, food boxes made from pure cardboard that flattens to a tray as soon as you open the …

May 4, 2023: We’re heading home through Copenhagen. We have a connecting flight back to NYC tomorrow. Walking around, we encountered weird metal stripes on …

May 3, 2023: We’re leaving Firenze tomorrow, and I think this is a good picture to capture a moment that will stay with me. Peace, flowers, hills of green. 📷 …

May 3, 2023: Day 7: Resting One of the things we don’t like about Italy..? The mosquitos. This guy had its friend keeping us up at night, intruding our rest with a hungry …

May 2, 2023: Folks of, what kind of posts do you find more discussion friendly? Do you feel you interact more with a certain type of content? Writing? …

May 2, 2023: Day 6: A Wine Tour The wine tour turned out better than I expected. Small intimate group, fun guide, and the best part was that I was able to handle my wine well. In the …

May 1, 2023: Finally, a relaxed day in Florence. I went on a walk and captured more of the essence of the place. There are many small shops and bars, like this …

Apr 30, 2023: I think today’s adventure in Rome, which involved lots of rain, several public bathrooms in unusable situation, and plenty of noise I see back …

Apr 30, 2023: Day 4: Rome Rome is… Like New York. Similar grunge with millennia old structures scattered about. We skipped the big ones. We’re not big for crowds. …

Apr 30, 2023: This morning we woke up early to take the train to Rome. NK suggested we catch a snack before we start the day - a smart decision. We got two …

Apr 29, 2023: The streets in Florence are narrow. The sidewalks often fit only one person. Even then, if you don’t clutch your camera bag close, a passing car …

Apr 29, 2023: The best places in a trip like this are serendipitous. We stumbled upon a local bookstore, with delicious cappuccino and brownies. I felt a natural …

Apr 28, 2023: From a pass under the highway heading to a restaurant tonight in Florence. The whole tunnel is covered with graffiti like this. 📷

Apr 28, 2023: Day 3 - Walking Firenze I wanted to use the phone for quick updates, but I couldn’t join the local network until a couple of hours ago. Some settings on the Google-Fi …

Apr 27, 2023: Copenhagen It’s like IKEA in this airport. There’s No music walking down to the connecting flight, but there is a chill soundtrack in the bathroom - …

Apr 26, 2023: Day 0 The morning in NYC started with this. Time to wake up and make some coffee. I walked toward the espresso machine zombie-like and emptied the remainder …

Apr 25, 2023: Brand, Shmang Even though I have several videos on Diode Zone, a PeerTube instance, I’m been thinking of going solo with YouTube. The catalyst has been …

Apr 24, 2023: The S3 video from last week is up:

Apr 24, 2023: Getting ready to pack for a long trip. The flight is Wednesday. I woke up worried I won’t have enough underwear, so I’m planning to buy …

Apr 23, 2023: My wiki can be addicting. I forget how fun it is to organize information, make it more presentable, and just have fun with it. When I started working …

Apr 21, 2023: I keep reading that Mastodon is “complicated” from mainstream media, like Verge and Techcrunch. What’s so complicated? Find a …

Apr 20, 2023: I can’t get over the fact that the Mac mini (M1) restarts so fast it’s actually easier to reboot than to close all the different apps to …

Apr 19, 2023: Human errors and an Emacs tip My Linux desktop stopped syncing my Emacs files yesterday. I noticed this in the morning, realized what the issue was, and didn’t get a chance …

Apr 18, 2023: Non Monogamous Just like I wrote about my name not too long ago, it occurred to me I should write about being non-monogamous. At this point, it’s not about …

Apr 17, 2023: After a good nap, I was able to work more on an animated gif for a knowledge base article I’m working on (can’t integrate movie clips, so …

Apr 17, 2023: My list writing this morning was interrupted by trash that had to be taken out, then dishes, and then NK was up, and it was time to make coffee. I …

Apr 16, 2023: S3 video for this week I’ve been struggling with sleep issues this week, and it shows in terms of creative energy. Most wake time was dedicated to day job stuff and …

Apr 12, 2023: New journaling guides I just created a new list of instructions for my journal-writing routine: Scan a note with a list of what you want to do today Create an entry, …

Apr 11, 2023: For the last couple of weeks, I have had the task “WIKI Mac wipe @ Home”. I wiped my Mac, and then I started documenting what sort of …

Apr 10, 2023: Another S3 video I recorded yesterday! In this one: I’m working with a Mac Getting back into photography and Lightroom Classic Some personal …

Apr 10, 2023: Note to self: If you’re using apps made by (and made for) Linux folks, use Homebrew. Sure there’s a pretty macOS package. It works nicely …

Apr 9, 2023: It’s important to be silly. With yourselves, with your close ones. Being silly is closer to the real us than when we have our mental clothes, …

Apr 8, 2023: My Name My name is Shay. Pronounced like Shy. And yes, I’ve been asked if I’m shy too many times. Maybe there’s some truth in this question. …

Apr 8, 2023: I’m going through my old posts (on my old blog) to choose what to put up again here, with the old posting date. I don’t like how I wrote …

Apr 7, 2023: Lost Kings and hunches As I watched The Lost King 🎬 yesterday, I was thinking it was a movie about a passion gone too far. The visions of Richard III, the R in the parking …

Apr 6, 2023: I'm up again. Thanks for reading. This is the second time I woke up tonight, 10 minutes ago. I’m in the bathroom, on the shower carpet, slowly relaxing from a strong gag reflex. …

Apr 4, 2023: Another macOS “secret” I got to share with the community: When blogging from your Mac, hold down CTRL + CMD + Space to bring up …

Apr 4, 2023: Smart Folders, where have you been my entire life?! I’m starting to really not hate #macOS over here.

Apr 4, 2023: Spring is here, and some of the flowers in the nearby garden are blooming

Apr 3, 2023: Why did I switch to Lightroom I take photos on my phone and on my camera. The workflow on the phone is easy: snap a picture, edit in SnapSpeed, post online through ImagePipe, done. …

Apr 2, 2023: As I write this, I’m copying over unsorted photos (ARW files) from my Synology to a local folder on my Mac with Emacs' Dired. I took the plunge …

Mar 31, 2023: Some moss was covering a rock in patches, on a walk a couple of days ago

Mar 31, 2023: Working with a MacOS instead of Linux As I keep working with the Mac for my wiki and blog, I experience more Apple features I’m starting to like. Here are some of them in no …

Mar 31, 2023: How many Brandons? Sometimes you read something that resonates well with what you’re going through. Every now and then you come across someone who seems to be in a …

Mar 30, 2023: Sometimes I can’t sleep. Actually, it’s more than sometimes. At this point, I’ve learned that certain nights are not meant to pass …

Mar 29, 2023: I’m behind on the photos challenge, but I’ve been working on my wiki and other content… Maybe I’ll post some of the pics …

Mar 27, 2023: Gave up on Horizon Zero Dawn 🎮 I want to like Horizon Zero Dawn (HZD), but I can’t. I tried. I’m wondering why it took me so long to give it up. A greedy CEO of a …

Mar 27, 2023: In my second official S3 video, I talk about the getting more comfortable recording and editing videos (ironically, adding text to a video in OpenShot …

Mar 26, 2023: I couldn’t really find pictures 📷 of an instrument, so I took a walk to the park thinking I might find someone who plays there. I didn’t. …

Mar 25, 2023: The spice shelves at our home. I also have a thing for owls. #mbmar

Mar 24, 2023: Changes to the wiki: upgrading, markdown implementation, and creating a personal (local) wiki. More in the CaptainLog.

Mar 23, 2023: Sometimes, you go to take a chance and take a dark tunnel to reach the light at the other end. #mbmar day 27

Mar 23, 2023: I came to appreciate the National Weather Service’s graphs. It gives a general idea for the day (and tomorrow) and all the details at the same …

Mar 22, 2023: Reposting old posts If you go to the first page of this blog, you will notice something odd. There are some old posts (dating back to 2018) with a big gap leading back to …

Mar 22, 2023: Took a picture 📷 of this insect about a year ago in the Brox. Day 22 - #mbmar

Mar 21, 2023: Went to the #moma to see the making of Pinocchio. The movie was excellent! Here, on display, the tiny theater, one of many sets. #mbmar 📷

Mar 20, 2023: This is Aloe. The only house plant I didn’t kill. His doing fine since 2019! #mbmar 📷

Mar 19, 2023: analog. I’m told it works.b&w because of course. #mbmar day 19 📷

Mar 18, 2023: The supreme court, NYC. Portico #mbmar day 18 📷

Mar 18, 2023: Medicine for the mind I’m on a train heading to Pennsylvania. We were stuck in New Jersey for an hour or so. Some complications with the power lines involving …

Mar 17, 2023: Two years ago, in New Mexico. Early morning flight with a hot air balloon 📷. The dogs were barking at us from below, and this single home was standing …

Mar 16, 2023: This was once a road. Now it’s just a quiet path. #mbmar day 16 📷

Mar 15, 2023: That nice feeling you get when you look at your blog and see a stream of thoughts, ideas, and pictures. I’m happy I’m here on

Mar 15, 2023: A pigeon observing the street with patience before taking flight. #mbar day 15

Mar 15, 2023: Updated the guides on the wiki. Still have much more work to do… Pages, best practices, updates to the short articles…

Mar 14, 2023: Today was a snowy stormy day, so here’s a nice picture from a walk a few days back. Horizon from NYC. 📷 #mbmar

Mar 14, 2023: Games teach you hard life lessons Today I beat the Fire Bellowback in the Sigma vault in Horizon Zero Dawn. The boss’s weapon: stressful mash-button panic that makes me rage-quit …

Mar 13, 2023: The stuff that keeps me connected: my loyal Raspberry Pi file server and my router. #mbmar day 13

Mar 13, 2023: As I mentioned a few days ago, I want to start creating S3 videos. Without getting into too many details, S3 is the general name I gave to stuff I …

Mar 12, 2023: Shiny cocktails with good people at the bar #mbmar 📷

Mar 12, 2023: So, recorded my first S3 video. Now I need to sit down and edit it and fix the me-going-on-tangent issues here and there and upload. Hopefully, this …

Mar 11, 2023: Gimcrack: A toy; a pretty thing; an ornamental object of no great value. I don’t think I have the meaning down 100%, but here’s something …

Mar 10, 2023: This is one NYC ritual that is going away… A photo 📷 to remember #mbmar

Mar 10, 2023: Personal challange: a weekly video This morning I wrote some of my thoughts down in my notebook: This will not make a whole lot of sense to most of you, but you might recognize some …

Mar 9, 2023: I have this photo 📷 I took at random about a year ago. Something about all the cans stacked neatly together… didn’t know it then, but …

Mar 9, 2023: Keeping Bald When I saw Hollie’s post about growing long hair, I thought it was a good idea to write about the “other side” of the story, as a …

Mar 8, 2023: The other day I took a nice walk: #mbmar

Mar 8, 2023: I wracked my brain all day yesterday for the photo challenge 📷 and couldn’t find something for “whole” until this morning… …

Mar 7, 2023: Every night I go to sleep around midnight, I regret it. I wake up a few minutes before 6, no matter when I go to sleep. There’s always an excuse …

Mar 6, 2023: Engineering you say? This is an old picture 📷 I took years ago (heavily modified with whatever hipster apps of the time). Though the gears don’t …

Mar 5, 2023: Had a lot of coffee, took a nap (coffee makes me calm and sleepy) and then I had to go for a biobreak. Found this fancy floor waiting for me! March …

Mar 4, 2023: On with the photo challenge 📷: Zip. my old Israeli slippers, which have zippers. These are sometimes referred to as “Kipi shoes” after the …

Mar 4, 2023: My take on explaining When I joined, I was confused. Coming from Mastodon, I didn’t know how to wrap my head around the integration of the two (to be …

Mar 3, 2023: Here’s my contribution 📷 My morning solitude: coffee, notebook to write ideas down, and the first rays of light.

Feb 28, 2023: This must be the first time (or the first time in a long time) that I couldn’t launch into my Linux Desktop environment and managed to fix it …

Feb 27, 2023: “Why no RSS?” - an update on why I don’t have RSS on my wiki, and what workarounds I’ve made.

Feb 26, 2023: Had a nice social gathering of sorts with a few folks last night 🍺🍷. Thankfully no headaches this morning, just a bit of lack of sleep. Worth it.

Feb 24, 2023: Using your blog as a 📔 journal, yay or nay? You’d think it’s easy to use your blog as a journal, but in reality, it’s not that simple. You don’t say everything you think, …

Feb 23, 2023: It is here. I’m part of the ⌚ cult now. Now to get a nato band before I scratch my wrist off.

Feb 22, 2023: Maybe it’s because I drastically lowered my sugar intake in foods and drinks 🤔, but I can tell the difference between different kinds of seltzer …

Feb 22, 2023: Good morning 🌞 What is the plan for today?

Feb 19, 2023: Mousa - Movie Review (it sucks) 🍿 Mousa has a problem. Its main actor, Karim Mahmoud Abdel Aziz, is trapped in a crappy movie. The settings of the story are not too bad: a gifted but …

Feb 19, 2023: Mousa, 2021 - ★★ (contains spoilers) This review may contain spoilers. Mousa's has a problem. Its main actor, Karim Mahmoud Abdel Aziz, is trapped in a crappy movie. Such a waste. The …

Feb 19, 2023: Took a walk earlier today, and started to see the beginning of spring… 🌻 🌷 It was good to snap some pictures 📷 again.

Feb 16, 2023: Writing in a notebook after all this time My pocket notebooks 📓 showed up earlier than I thought, and I was eager to write some thoughts down over my morning coffee. A couple of things come to …

Feb 14, 2023: I decided to use a KVM switch with my Mac mini Over a hundred techies responded to my question: “folks with Linux and Macs, what’s your ideal solution to work on both?” …

Feb 12, 2023: So after I broke my by mistake with a youtube video, I guess I should try to upload my own. In this video, I play Oxygen Not Included, one …

Feb 12, 2023: It's official: you don't need to buy books to play DnD Dungeons and Dragons​ (DnD) is a game that happens in the mind. There are many props (which you still need to buy with money), but none of them are …

Feb 9, 2023: My partner keeps outdoing himself. Check this out: homemade peach plum margaritas and The Last of Us. Chunky bits in the drink and fungous zombies on …

Feb 8, 2023: #100DaysToOffload is not my thing, and that's fine I was looking into trying out the whole 100 days to offload business. Everyone’s doing it, I have a blog, so I should do it, right? I like the …

Feb 7, 2023: I have a couple of things to say about writing 📝. More than a couple of things, actually, that’s the problem. If I start venting right now, …

Feb 6, 2023: Good morning, ☕ from me and Allo

Feb 5, 2023: Time to leave the apartment to shop for some groceries and stretch my legs. This cold had me stuck in the apartment for two days..!

Feb 4, 2023: The guilt and benefits of working remote Wednesday afternoon. I wake up refreshed from a 10-minute nap. It’s cold outside, but the sun’s shining through my window unto the bed. I …

Feb 3, 2023: From LastPass to KeePassXC - a quick import/export guide. Recycled and refreshed from my old blog, now on the wiki

Feb 1, 2023: About getting tips without getting paid I updated my About page. I added a blurb about this website, mentioned my wiki, and cleaned up a little. But what I actually want to talk about is the …

Jan 31, 2023: CaptainLog - this time a PeerTube video I’ve made a couple of changes to my Wiki, and CaptainLog is overdue for an update. Since I’m trying to push myself to do more videos (to …

Jan 30, 2023: Hello this is JTR from, you should see this as JTR at my domain. And while I’m at it, I’ll experiment on …

Jan 29, 2023: Cleaning my RSS subscriptions. I forgot how nice it is to read personal blogs.

Jan 29, 2023: I regret giving up my Pixel 4a Intro: I read “There are too many iPhones” from @gr36 this morning, which got me to vent. I went into my old archives and dag out my post …

Jan 28, 2023: I updated my old blog one last time. I like writing in Emacs, which is what I used to do on the old blog each time – but I also like having the …

Jan 27, 2023: Made a couple of changes to How I browse the net: bookmarks, org-mode, and a password manager and trying something else to get this on

Jan 27, 2023: It’s only appropriate to get serious about the section in my wiki at this point, isn’t it?

Jan 26, 2023: Added “comment on / Mastodon” plug-in 💡. I hope this will help with comments from 🦣 as well. Open to suggestions!

Jan 26, 2023: How I browse the net: bookmarks, org-mode, and a password manager. I was recently asked about bookmarks, and I realized my browser/bookmarks workflow might seem a bit odd… My main browser at home is LibreWolf, …

Jan 26, 2023: now directs to! Transferred my domain to successfully. will take you to the new blog now, complete with SSL, courtesy of @menton and the MB …

Jan 25, 2023: CSS Fixed The CSS is fixed, with the help of my partner. No more white highlights or pink ones. to quote @manton: “The Alpine theme is a “Hugo theme …

Jan 22, 2023: Oblivion - 2013 A bit of The Matrix thrown into a cheesy heroic story about freedom. Good for a chill night for easy viewing, don’t expect anything special. The …

Jan 22, 2023: Oblivion, 2013 - ★★★ (contains spoilers) This review may contain spoilers. A bit of the Matrix thrown into a cheesy heroic story about freedom. Good for a chill night for easy viewing, don't …

Jan 22, 2023: Forgot that WhatsApp doesn’t care what phone number to tell it to use, if you switch to a device with a different number, it disconnects from …

Jan 22, 2023: Frustrations with fine-tuning CSS I spent over an hour trying to fix a few annoying #CSS issues on the blog, and I give up for now. Certain changes I make seem to work the first time …

Jan 21, 2023: It's time to call it: is staying

The problem with waking up to tweak your blog at 4 in the morning is that you don’t keep notes. When I wake up a second time, I’ll try …

Jan 18, 2023: Still confused about #microblog. My posts (like this one) will show on #mastodon OK, but then it’s coming from another account, so when people …

Jan 18, 2023: Should I get an Apple Watch? I’m trying out CoPilot (blame Wheezy Waiter for this). I discovered that my Fitbit Sense, which I got for free because my Ionic was recalled, …

Jan 17, 2023: New updates to the wiki, and a CaptianLog explains what’s new:

Jan 16, 2023: 2FA has one big problem: it's tied to your phone. 2FA, the holy grail of security. Until you don't have access to your phone number anymore. Good-luck trying to reset your password or your account. …

Jan 15, 2023: A Local Pizza Joint Maybe I have a thing for pizza. I mean, most folks do, no? A walk to one of my local pizza joints around the neighborhood in the cold weather is …

Jan 15, 2023: I love it how whenever I test something on Mastodon (to check if cross-posting works, or if some other automation works, etc), someone always replies …

Jan 15, 2023: I love it how whenever I test something on Mastodon (to check if cross-posting works, or if some other automation works, etc), someone always replies …

Jan 15, 2023: I think I finally get it... I can @ my new account from, and the comment will show up over there, on …

Jan 14, 2023: OK, blog improvements on now include: 1. A logical, ISO date for posts 2. Links to RSS feed and Mastodon (this account). This is workable …

Jan 14, 2023: ...resolved. Yes, I had to read up and play with Hugo again. It wasn't too hard, though still time consuming. I know I sound like I whine a lot, …

Jan 14, 2023: maybe I should just go with tumblr. Ha.

Jan 14, 2023: To be fair, and to be less of a grumpy man over here, I'm not against learning. also has the benefit of offering the service to host …

Jan 14, 2023: I'm annoyed. is based on Hugo, which is good and all, but it also means I need to play with Hugo if I want to change anything. For …

Jan 13, 2023: I enjoyed The Mist. It wasn't fantastic, but it was good and had a point that didn't feel like Swiss cheese. "The movie builds toward the …

Jan 13, 2023: The Mist, 2007 - ★★★ (contains spoilers) This review may contain spoilers. This was an OK movie. I enjoyed it. It was good enough to hold my interest (which is not easy to do). Stephen King …

Jan 13, 2023: next movie up - "The Mist" based on a story by Stephen King. So far, I like this one much better. It's a big of a cringe, not so much …

Jan 13, 2023: Thoughts about work iPhone as a Personal (but not private) phone It’s not the first time I’m thinking of switching over to my work iPhone as my main “normal” phone, and probably won’t …

Jan 13, 2023: mehhh this #covid bullshit is annoying 😅 I've been healthy since Tuesday, pretty much. But I am still positive and going to remain this way for …

Jan 12, 2023: Gave up on The Colony. Here's what I had to say: "too much "been there, done that" to care. It feels like a Children of Men mixed …

Jan 12, 2023: The Colony, 2021 - ★★★ I started watching yesterday, got bored, started watching again today, got bored again, decided it's enough for now. The Colony starts OK. Earth is …

Jan 12, 2023: I want to try creating videos again. This one is: How to Enable advanced web interface on #mastodon and why should you? …

Jan 12, 2023: I'm using this article: To follow up …

Jan 10, 2023: I need some video editing help. I'm using openshot, and when I'm done with a project it compresses it, which hurts the resolution which is not …

Jan 10, 2023: Why is it hard to describe a single cough vs plural coughs? Am I coughing once, or more? What if I do a single short burst, almost like one hiccup, …

Jan 9, 2023: Thoughts from Exploring is an unexpected, possibly excellent, solution. First, the obvious: setting up a blog and a theme of choice is as easy as 1-2-3 (I …

Jan 9, 2023: I'm sorry folks. This is not breakfast. For me, this is not even lunch. Eek.

Jan 8, 2023: Mastodon guys podcast idea I don’t want my only “real” blog post to be about being sick, so here’s another quick update. Feeling like myself today again, …

Jan 7, 2023: Playing around with More like trying to wrap my head around its mastodon relationship. This service is "smart" enough to know to …

Jan 7, 2023: First Post on I’m testing to use for quick blog-like updates. If you’re reading this on Mastodon, it means cross-posting is enabled correctly …

Jan 7, 2023: This is another test post, to see what posts here do with my existing mastodon account which I created for feeds.

Dec 29, 2022: The problem with Signal No, I don’t mean the new “hack” from Cellebrite, which still seems to make waves1. There’s a more fundamental issue at hand, a …

Nov 27, 2022: Belladonna of Sadness, 1973 - ★★★ (contains spoilers) This review may contain spoilers. This movie is not fully animated. At least not in the traditional sense. Most of the motion in the movie consists of …

Nov 26, 2022: Watched & Liked Belladonna of Sadness Oblivion The Mule

Nov 26, 2022: Curious about these Leonor Will Never Die

Aug 15, 2022: I read a good argument in a NYTimes opinion piece by Laura Vanderkam in favor of flexible work hours. The article contains a couple of interviews with …

Apr 29, 2022: DMing for the first time in 25 years Last weekend, I ran a DnD session. Three curious players stepped into a fantasy world I created for the first time in over 20 years, took whatever …

Oct 16, 2020: The price of Privacy When I started researching privacy more seriously, I didn’t know what I was looking at was the face of a forlorn path that seems to go nowhere. …

Feb 11, 2019: From LastPass to KeePass I’ve been using LastPass for the last 5 years and have been happy with it. I recommended it to friends, family, and co-workers. I tried to sell …

Aug 1, 2018: Libre and clothes When I write, I live in Emacs (with the awesome Solorized theme) inside org-mode. With time, I found that org-mode has already made me a more …