Welcome to the blogroll!

The good stuff:

These folks write often and write about interesting things. Read more about my blogroll philosophy, and check them out 😊

  • Living Out Loud: A man with an interesting background that knows how to tell stories.

  • Joel Chrono: Tech, Android & FOSS enthusiast, contributor, Fosstodon Mod, graphic designer, and overall a curious guy.

  • Brandon's Journal: Raw and honest, Brandon navigates his life and invites us for a peek. For more posts, check the archive.

  • Jack Baty: The blogger that rambles about blogging. Digital (and analog) platforms, black and white photography, random thoughts.

  • Kevin Quirk: The guy who co-founded Fosstodon. Tech and humans, the thoughts between, and semi-farmlife from the UK.

Emacs blogs:

  • Irreal : Jon Snader's Emacs blog, going daily since 2011 (and that's just the new blog)

  • SachaChua: The Emacs mom. A great source for Emacs news, conferences, and tips