Recent Replies

  • Replying to:

    @amerpie this is good stuff, I will add them up

  • This is a good idea! If you don't mind, I'm going to copy it with slight modifications.

  • Replying to: @rlk

    @rlk before Google was a verb as well as a company, we had several other search engines from Alta Vista to Yahoo. If they were still around and Google wasn't alone in making the rules main street would still be what it was before. Google changed how we search, so we need to learn to search again...

  • Replying to: @rlk

    @rlk that's sad, but true.

  • Replying to:

    @moonmehta you mean, now?

  • Replying to: @aeryn

    @aeryn I'm getting there. I do enjoy learning new things so this helps :)

  • Replying to: @cliffordbeshers

    @cliffordbeshers not sure how I missed that huge typo - meant to say, "are you a New Jersian?" But well guess I got my answer.

    Wish I found out about this station sooner.

  • Replying to: @cliffordbeshers

    @cliffordbeshers are you a New I was introduced to it not too long ago. My only "issue" is that sometimes it's to much of a "wtf is that??" Kind of weird song and all my concentration gets sucked away ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • Replying to:

    @manton Iโ€™ve had the same frustration with nyt for a while. I have a cheap subscription from my days as a teacher so I keep it, but I donโ€™t read it and I donโ€™t have the app installed.

    So far, for โ€œgeneralโ€ news AP has been alright mostly. Good-ish global coverage. For more in depth stuff, Iโ€™ve been surprised by the WSJ. I have the app installed and I love their โ€œ10 points.โ€ They are the closest I found to NYT but without the opinions shoved into anything. Wired is more tech related, but they have interesting โ€œadditional contentโ€ stuff as well.

  • Replying to:

    @lionel thanks! This sheds some light on what's going on.

  • Replying to: @petebrown

    @petebrown I see, that makes sense

  • Replying to:

    @pimoore word!

  • Replying to: VNC is solid, but it requires some setting up which I don't have the time for right now. Once I figure out the different issues and work them out it will be best - it's also a pretty much "built in" solution both for Macs and Linux.

  • Replying to: @amerpie

    @amerpie I know and tried most of these! no handwriting for you? It's very different

  • Replying to:

    @jbaty I use macOS, Windows and Linux every day. My setup is not for everyone: I have a dual boot desktop (Windows / Linux) and a docking station for my Mac.

    Mac is for work and blogging and photos. Work requires Microsoft 365, Photos require Photoshop, blogging is on Microblog and Emacs and these guys all work good on Mac (Emacs is the only thing that require a little bit tweaking on the Mac but then it works fine).

    Windows is mostly games, sometimes testing for work. I do that also because it's my "not safe" machine, which is not on a VPN, and I don't put anything sensitive (work or personal) on it. That way all these game stores and this AAA games and their launches can run crazy. I can wipe the Windows machine and not worry about anything, pretty much.

    Linux is private (to me, Apple and privacy is a nice gimmick, nothing more), and some fun with AI imaging and infosec when I practice these old skills. It's also a good place to go for free somewhere when I want to test something out. It's best for syncing files, accessing my Synology and RP, etc.

  • Replying to:

    @jedda oooof this sucks. I'm sorry to hear about it. Is there any chance to get reimbursed for a hotspot, for events such as this?

  • Replying to:

    @val ooohhh! I love the growth in the water, especially next to the dry grass on the bank.

  • Replying to:

    @rom It's a Firefox fork, but they really tweaked things there - LibreWolf, if you haven't tried, is my voute

  • Replying to:

    @tthing nice! I built mine from scratch about a decade ago, and since then upgraded mostly parts. At this point nothing but the case survived (I also upgraded my motherboard at some point). Gaming mostly here too :)

  • Replying to: @numericcitizen

    @numericcitizen I'm hardly original on that one, for sure. When I created my wiki there were so many tech notes to keep on setting it up it became a bit of a meta inside the wiki itself, so I created also a "captain's log". It has a nice touch, but it's the same function as my blog, and my blog more convenient.

  • @cliffordbeshers I envy the low humidity right now... ๐Ÿฅต

  • Replying to:

    @fozstark Hey Foz, I found your blog on's Discover. I don't know what you (might) right about, but there are some folks here who's going through the same thing in verity of levels and express it. May I recommend Brandon? He's on my blogroll. Hope this works out for you, feel free to ask anything, and welcome aboard! :D

  • Replying to:

    @Miraz hope it helps. Over here in NYC we don't have this issue, but we have plenty of others

  • Replying to:

    @hollie how did the meeting go?

  • Replying to: @numericcitizen

    @numericcitizen sorry didn't realized I had typos.

    I used to follow him back in the Google Plus days, he was big then and I enjoyed his stuff. He doesn't seem to have a specific website anymore (he writes in different places) and a bit harder to follow. Didn't know he's active on mastodon, so thanks for this discovery :)