Out of nowhere, I bought Diablo 4 🎮 yesterday for full price. It came up to about $75 bucks, tax and all. It’s Blizzard, so I know I’m not going to see a sale anytime soon, and I was tired, and it looked pretty… I’m working my way up slowly from regretting it.

The game’s good; it rolls out like a classic horror story of gloom and doom, which I enjoy. The combat is as simple as it can be (point the bad guy, the good guy bonks him on the head, rinse and repeat), though I’m learning there’s more to it slowly. There’s also multiplayer, and I saw some dude kicking ass near me yesterday, so I sent some bad guys that were giving me a hard time up his way, and my silent friend ate them for breakfast.

It’s going to be one of those games that pull me in and do not require much brain power, which is going to be perfect for my training breaks - study a bit, play a bit, and in the end, you end up cramming more knowledge in your head you knew is possible.

Can I play on Linux? Maybe, probably not. Game launchers are the bane of Lutris and the others, and AAA games all (pretty much) have their launchers.