Prot’s Denote is an interesting package to explore. It has limited use for me because most of my notes are attached to tasks and projects, which I already save in weekly org-mode files. There are two cases denote can be useful:

First, My blog posts on Microblog. So far, I created posts inside the weekly org file I scheduled a task to write a post. This means blog posts do not have a dedicated folder; they’re scattered in my tasks inside the weekly files. Ideally, posts should be in one place, and one post per file makes sense.

Second, the “personal wiki” articles. I can post technical explanations on my public wiki, but some information is personal and does not belong there. Furthermore: it’s a good idea to write information down in a draft, which in turn can be polished and edited for the wiki. Since these notes are not time-sensitive, they should be separated from my scheduled tasks.

I used to maintain a wiki org file, but it turned too big and messy. Some of the topics in this old wiki org file fit in the new public wiki, while others are too specific to my setup. A folder containing individual articles in files with keywords and dates is an excellent use case here.

Denote needs adjustments to fit my preferences, and I’m currently exploring it. I need a specific template for blog posts and wiki articles. I also need to define different locations to save the notes for each case. Being able to call these templates with a keyboard shortcut or directly from org-capture is another thing to look to.