I talked about making some changes to my project workflow in Emacs, and here are some changes I’ve implemented:

("p" "Personal Related")
		  ("pt" "Personal Task" entry
		    (file "~/Sync/Personal/Projects.org") "* ACTIVE %^{What?} \n*** TODO Probes:\n %^t--%^t \n\n %U:\n %?" :kill-buffer t)

I talked about making some changes to my project workflow in Emacs, and here are some changes I’ve implemented:

The %t^ org-mode expansion tells Emacs to prompt for a date without a time. It calls a calendar in Emacs with the current day marked, which can be adjusted. In my case, you see two of those: the project’s start and the end (double dashes are how org-mode phrases a time range).

So, let’s say I have a new photography project I want to do throughout February. I call this capture template and enter the first day of February, followed by its last day. This will display the project (say, “photography project”) on my agenda every day throughout the month of February.

In the past, each project (which is an active task with sub-tasks marked by “TODO” items) had several of its subtasks scheduled at specific times. This has been my process for years, though it’s not very useful: I almost never get to work on my TODOs exactly at the time of my choosing.

The idea is that instead of having a list of 20 items that I need to do clutter my agenda with times in the day that don’t make sense, I will only have a couple of highlighted projects I know I’m working on. I can then go into each project from the agenda and see what the next action item I need to do there. This would be a TODO keyword without a scheduled timestamp.