solved (see below)

Folks who use macOS reminders - is there any way to display all scheduled reminders in a widget rather than a specific list?

I have a list of quick things, and I have a list of “scheduled” reminders, say, something like watering the plants a week from now. I don’t want to see the 20-something scheduled reminders on that list in the small widget; that defeats the purpose - I just want to see those that are due today (or maybe tomorrow). How do you go about it?

The “list” the widget is viewing is not limited to just one of the lists you create; it can also be the “scheduled” list (automatic) created, and that’s what I needed. to change it, I had to edit the widget, click on the list it was presenting me (in my case it was called “misc”) and change that to “Scheduled”. Seems to have done the trick.