In preparation for adjusting my Emacs' settings, I added a couple of quick elisp functions I mashed together. The below is taking directly from my file, with these explanations. For now, they are all commented out. I’m saving them as notes and plan to use them soon:

First, a simple function that displays a message for Mac or Linux. The idea is to use it to do other things besides displaying messages. For example, I can have a certain frame size set on the Mac but a different one on Linux:

     (if (eq system-type 'darwin)
     	(message "this is mac"))
        (if (eq system-type 'gnu/linux)
           (message "this is linux"))

Another simple function that displays “booyah” if the display is bigger than 2000 pixels using the x-display-pixel-width function. This works, but backward: the MacBook Pro has a higher screen resolution than my ultra-wide, so I can still use it, keeping in mind that the higher resolution is when I’m not connected to the ultra-wide screen:

  (if ( > (x-display-pixel-width) 2000)
      (message "booya")

As a reminder to myself, this function displays more information about the display, including aspect ratio (under geometry), which might be more “correct:”
