One major attraction of Arc is its Spaces. Having more than one profile in a browser is not new (Chrome has implemented that for the last decade or so), but Arc offers more flexibility by not forcing you to sign into another account. In other words, a Space on Arc can be connected to a different user profile, but it doesn’t have to: you can have two visually different browser instances (Spaces) while still using the same Google account in the background.

I like the idea of having different environments for work and personal stuff, but for me, this always came to be also separate browsers: Microsoft Edge for work, Safari (or Brave on Linux/Windows) for personal things, and then I use LibreWolf for privacy, mostly around searches and social networks like Reddit, where I have several profiles.

This morning, I sat down to revisit the idea of launching specific browsers for specific URLs. It turns out there are good solutions when working on a Mac. I wrote about initial configurations in my notes, and I’m sure there will be more as I explore Velja more.

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