I couldn't finish watching this one. This movie has a plot aimed at my horny teenage self at 12.

I loved Rotten Tomatoes' one-liner summary: "Gal Gadot remains an entertaining action star, but she's no match for Heart of Stone's thinly written characters, generic plot, and rote set pieces."

An attempt at a female James Bond was made - and blown. The plot is obvious, but the spoon-feeding is strong with this one anyway, just in case someone misses it.

There's an AI / Minority Report copycat style thrown into the mix to keep things up to date (I didn't finish watching, but I'm sure the AI turns out to be evil, or at least terribly incompetent, because duh) and non-stop action, which works for Gadot as Wonder Woman but fails badly for Rachel.

This would be another case of a good actor suffering from terrible writing... except that Greg Rucka is actually good at what he does (Old Guard, quite a few good comics in DC and Marvel), so I'm not sure what happened here, blaming Netflix is too easy.