I mentioned “Blog Gardening” in a long vent yesterday and also previously. The core of this idea requires that I have an “On This Day” page on my blog.

The code instructions seemed simple enough, but I didn’t think it would be that simple. All I had to do was copy-paste.

To test, I went back in time and changed one of my old posts from [2023-08-09 Wed] to [2023-08-10 Thu] (oddly, I find that the old URL with the old post and its date still works, which means the original post is not deleted, just copied - should mention it to @manton perhaps). What’s a little time alternation for the sake of a good blogging experience, after all?

Taking Jamie’s advice, I will try to look into a couple of blogs before “On This Day” and a couple after and do some fixing.

In theory, it should work like this:

  1. Go to “On This Day” and find the post from last year at this time (if no post exists, find the nearest blog post to that date).
  2. Look and fix typos, broken image links, and broken links in general.
  3. Add the post to a category if it belongs there
  4. Add links and references on the old post if new references exist since then (for example, if a year ago I started a project that I wrote about 3 times since, link to those 3 posts)

And you know something? Jamie has another good point there: making these fixes does make me a little happy. It adds a sense of completion, and it feels good to maintain the blog because I like my blog, so I like to put energy into it. It’s a nice little positivity cycle.