A couple of days ago, when I left the apartment to do shopping, I consulted Carrot, which told me it was cloudy but not raining. So I left my umbrella behind, just to be greeted with warm summer rain. I signed, took the elevator back up, snatched my umbrella, and went outside again. By that point, the rain stopped. That evening, I uninstalled Carrot from my Apple Watch.

Perhaps it’s my fault for changing Carrot’s default weather source to include one that can also tell me the amount of pollen in the air, sure. But for all its complexity, I still didn’t figure a layout that works for me. I need to browse different menus on the watch and the phone to get the information I want. All of this for $50 a year, with a snarky AI and mini-games that were mildly entertaining for about a month.

Apple’s weather is more accurate, and I can see everything I need (humidity, wind speed, conditions, and temperature) with a single tap. I just need to find a dedicated pollen app and I’ll be set1. Apple Weather knew about that quick shower and predicted its end accurately; I only had to wait five minutes.

So that’s it for Carrot and me. That AI will need to find another meat bag to bother.

1 - On the Desktop, I love the National Weather Service graphs. They are ugly next to the polished weather apps but very useful. One glance is all I need.