A lot of heavy stuff has been going on in the last two weeks.
I’ve been surrounded a lot by issues of health and mortality (no deaths though, thankfully) that had me kick some family projects into higher gear. You know, the kind of stuff you start doing when your parents get old and you need to start taking care of things you haven’t before.
Meanwhile, my two partners and I are looking at new apartments in the city.
I’m reminded yet again of NYC’s ridiculous requirements.
Stuff like making 40 or 50 times the rent in an annual income and the amount of stupid little space you get in return. There are broker’s fees, which are usually the amount of the rent, so when you move in, you pay three times the rent (the rent for the month, a security deposit, and the broker’s fee). Some also want you to pay a month in advance, which can make it four times the rent just to move in, and that’s before you get movers and pay for the furniture you need, etc.
Fortunately, we are financially stable enough to move, but this just makes me realize how ridiculous the whole thing is.
There are a couple of other things that keep me occupied. I’ve been talking to many people close to me, listening to concerns and worries, and sometimes sharing mine.
I’m doing well, but I wish I could take a couple of weeks off from work to concentrate on everything in my personal life. Even though I have vacation days, it’s not really something I can do right now. Maybe I should explain that I have a lot going on. I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.