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    @davids lovely pic and a nice catch!

  • Replying to:

    @lmika depending on the weather, a nice walk with a cup of coffee at the end sounds excellent!

  • Replying to:

    @manton isn't a credit card required to sign up? I know many apps and programs do this thing where you can opt out after two weeks and don't get charged... maybe that's an option.

    In any case, locking down until after the elections sounds reasonable. My two cents.

  • Replying to: @eludom

    @eludom Amazon's cloud. MB will create a text-only version of the article there, so you can access from a public link.

  • Replying to:

    @amerpie oooooof!! I hope that wasn't your tent. It looks like a very near miss!

  • Replying to: @eludom

    @eludom not sure what you mean, there is an automatic archive page. What are you trying to do?

  • @eludom If you don't use Micro.blogs bookmarks (read it later feature) I highly recommend you try it. I use it all the time. Strips nonsense, creates a clean version on AWS that's always there (public link) and comfortable to read on phone.

  • Replying to:

    @amerpie I like it a lot, but 9 out of 10 when I check it out it's yet another web developer or a coder... Not that I have something against them, but it does get boring after a while. Need more variety.

  • Replying to: @eludom

    @eludom will check first. For second thing... I mostly have the usual suspects on mine (now that you here I should add you). You can have more than one list (I do). Helps with a list of "friends" vs a list of "emacs geeky stuff" vs maybe hiking in your case :)

  • Replying to: @numericcitizen

    @numericcitizen I started feeling this way when Trump got elected (yes it was that long ago). Everywhere I looked was about him & NYTs made it worse with stuff like "Trump eat McDonlands in Bed!" and "Trump says his 'rocket' is bigger than Kim Jon Un" and all sorts of crap. Needless to say, things are not much different now.

  • Replying to:

    @jwd630 thank you. That's a script I wrote 5 years ago and the date got messed up as of it was today. Nevertheless, thanks for this great find!

  • Replying to: @eludom

    @eludom this was supposed to go to my archive in 2019... Bad import that didn't go as well.

  • Replying to: @jack

    @jack nah. It's exactly the sort of thing I'd say if I saw that.

  • Replying to:

    @jack "Fuckin' Musk." That's a phrase, my friend. Or as the youngsters say - mood.

  • Replying to:

    @jthingelstad another sensible solution from you to a problem I have and just put up with. I used to have those with Proton mail, but at some point I fell out of habit (it's so easy to just put in the default email).

  • Replying to:

    @jabel and then my brain did things:

  • Replying to: @manton

    @manton Yes, this seems to work! Thanks, I didn't realize I needed to press the little image icon.

  • Replying to: @manton

    @manton but how do you get those? I guess it's a workflow question. I want to post an image from iOS, and I want the AI description included inside the HTML alt tags in the post.

  • Replying to:

    @manton imo one of those things AI is good and should be used for... By the way, any way to get it to work on photos uploaded from the iOS app?

  • Replying to:

    @bsag it was good to read this post, a lot of good information. I use a Mac for work mostly, and have windows and Linux for other activities. Linux came a long way for sure.

  • Replying to:

    @eludom how is it going with MB so far? You had (still having?) some importing pains, are you good now?

  • Replying to:

    @jack oh boy, Jack is back in town

  • Replying to: @eludom

    @eludom there is a plug in for that I believe. Check under their plug ins, useful things there

  • Replying to: @eludom

    @eludom another workaround is to keep a photo blog or a photo platform that works with RSS (like your wordpress blog) and create a photo page that automatically updates from the RSS (thatโ€™s one of MBโ€™s tricks) but it mean you keep updating that platform.

    I use this for my games and movies pages.

  • Replying to: @eludom

    @eludom sorry for the delay. Afaik, yes, one picture at a time from the web interface. To get around that I use Sunlit, which is the photo dedicated app on iOS (android version should also exist).

    I would think the import option would have that , but at this point youโ€™re more experienced than me.