@jbaty kev@fosstodon.org popey@mastodon.social I use macOS, Windows and Linux every day. My setup is not for everyone: I have a dual boot desktop (Windows / Linux) and a docking station for my Mac.

Mac is for work and blogging and photos. Work requires Microsoft 365, Photos require Photoshop, blogging is on Microblog and Emacs and these guys all work good on Mac (Emacs is the only thing that require a little bit tweaking on the Mac but then it works fine).

Windows is mostly games, sometimes testing for work. I do that also because it's my "not safe" machine, which is not on a VPN, and I don't put anything sensitive (work or personal) on it. That way all these game stores and this AAA games and their launches can run crazy. I can wipe the Windows machine and not worry about anything, pretty much.

Linux is private (to me, Apple and privacy is a nice gimmick, nothing more), and some fun with AI imaging and infosec when I practice these old skills. It's also a good place to go for free somewhere when I want to test something out. It's best for syncing files, accessing my Synology and RP, etc.