Day 3 - Walking Firenze
I wanted to use the phone for quick updates, but I couldn’t join the local network until a couple of hours ago. Some settings on the Google-Fi network needed to be turned on, others turned off, and magic, we’re back in the 21st century. In the meantime, I learned that my privacy-oriented Android phone is still very useful offline, with OSMand Maps, and the ability to take and sync pictures wherever Wi-Fi was available.
We just got back from La Fate Bistrot. A small restaurant seemingly run by my mother in a different life. She served us and cooked our food. Every meal on the menu was vegan, all homemade style served on nice plates. We had a glass of wine to end the long day and exchanged tired smiles. “Conto, per favore” has been added to my Italian vocabulary now.
There’s much to write and much to show, but it’s close to midnight and it’s been a long day full of walking. I’ll leave you with one picture I took yesterday with the phone; tomorrow I hope to take my camera and take some photos.
Buona notte, amici 📷