As I was reflecting on the weekend and Infected Mushroom concert I went to in my journal, it occurred to me that I would never go without Nyx.

I’m an introverted person who doesn’t go to concerts or almost any “gatherings” of a social nature. It’s not a bad thing or a good thing; it’s just me. It was Nyx who pushed me (though gently) and got the tickets. It was Nyx who had experience with these kinds of events (she insisted on earplugs, for example, which I’m thankful for) and allowed me to “bridge” the lack of experience I felt I had, even if it wasn’t a real thing. And it was Nyx who allowed me to “borrow” her friends, a group of supporting individuals who kept an eye out for me and understood my weird behavior patterns.

The whole thing reminded me of my trip to Italy, which was NK’s idea. They said “let’s go to Italy!” and I didn’t think of it much at the time so I said yes. It was NK’s knowledge and motivation (they travel way more often than I do) that got me going two years ago. A trip? Abroad? Me? Nah. But if NK wants to go, I’d do it for them. OK, and a little bit for me. Actually, it was a wonderful experience for me, too. It just takes time to realize. Italy was amazing, and I’m happy I went. I’m grateful.

Our friends are our enablers. They allow us to extend ourselves and reach out to what we could never (or think we could never) reach out alone. We’re all just thinking about the world in our own little boxes, without outside perspective, until someone comes along with their box of shiny new things to share.